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第1章 语言和语言学习 1.1 复习笔记 本章要点: 1 The way we learn languages 我们习得语言的方式 2 Views on language 语言观点 3 The structural view of language 结构主义语言理论 4 The functional view of language 功能主义语言理论 5 The interactional view of language 交互语言理论 6 Common views on language learning 关于语言学习的普遍观点 7 Process-oriented theories and condition-oriented theories 强调过程的语言学习理论和强调条件的语言学习理论 8 The behaviorist theory 行为主义学习理论 9 Cognitive theory 认知学习理论 10 Cotructivist theory 建构主义学习理论 11 Socio-cotructivist theory 社会建构主义理论 12 Qualities of a good language teacher 一个好的语言老师必备的素养 13 Teacher’s professional development 教师专业技能发展 本章考点: 我们如何习得语言;结构主义语言理论;功能主义语言理论;交互语言理论;关于语言学习的普遍观点;强调过程的语言学习理论和强调条件的语言学习理论;行为主义学习理论;认知学习理论;建构主义学习理论;社会建构主义理论;成为一个好的语言老师所要具备的基本素质;教师专业技能发展图。 本章内容索引: Ⅰ. The way we learn languages Ⅱ. Views on language 1 The structural view of language 2 The functional view of language 3 The interactional view of language Ⅲ. Views on language learning and learning in general 1 Research on language learning 2 Common views on language learning and learning in general (1) Behaviorist theory (2) Cognitive theory (3) Cotructivist theory (4) Socio-cotructivist theory Ⅳ. Qualities of a good language teacher Ⅴ. Development of a good language teacher Ⅵ. An overview of the book This chapter contai the foundation of this methodology coue, discussing issues covering the definition of language and the language learning theories, as well as the impact of these theories on teache’ teaching methods as well as learne’ learning ways. Moreover, this chapter discusses the qualities that a good English teacher should possess to help language teaching participants establish the proper teaching awareness. 这一章介绍的是教学法的基本方法论,探讨的问题涵盖语言的定义和语言学习的观点,以及这些观点对教师教学方式和学习者学习方式的影响。另外,本章还探讨了一个好的英语教师应具备的素质,以帮助语言教学参与者树立应有的教学意识。 Ⅰ. The way we learn languages(我们习得语言的方式) Many human behavio will show the influence of peonal past experience, including learning foreign languages. The language learning mode that the language teache accepted will


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