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(2)有时英语用连接词来表示时间先后,但汉语却不用。 They all said this was a lucky omen, and drank a toast to congrat ZhouJin in advance, until the poor man’s face turned a mottled red and white and he could barely stammer out his thanks as he took the wine up. 众人说他发的利市好,同斟一杯,送与周进预贺,把周先生羞得脸红一块,白一块,只得承谢众人,将酒接在手里。 (3)英语中的时空关系在汉语中可译成其它关系范畴 Where there is a will there is a way. 有志者事竟成(因果关系) When Mr. Brooker, who had a license to carry a gun, drew his pistol to try to stop the robber, one of them fired a shot that killed him. 布鲁克先生有执照,可以带枪,便拔出枪来想阻止这伙强盗,可是一个家伙一枪把他打死了。(转折关系) (4)汉语中常用连动式来表示空间位置的改变,但英语中时常要用时间关系连接词。 They two traveled through the woods to the other side of the village. Then crossing the stream, they reached a small garden which is filled with roses. 他们俩穿过树林,到了村子的另一端。趟过小溪,又到了一个满是玫瑰的花园 因果关系和转折关系:差异主要都表现在连接词的显隐性,以及逻辑关系的转换上。 (l)英文中的显性因果及转折关系在汉译时可变为隐性的意义关系。 His greatness is attributed by his biographers and critics not alone to his profound medical knowledge and insight but to his broad general education, for he was a very cultured man.(显性) 他的传记作家和评论者认为,他的伟大不仅在于医学造诣深,而且在于知识面广。他是一个很有文化素养的人。(隐形) “A man is in his best shape in the decade before age 25,” says New York internist Dr. Donald Tomkins. “His muscles are firmest, his resistance to colds and infection is highest, and his body is most efficient in utilizing nutrients.”(推延) 纽约的一位内科医生唐纳德·汤姆金斯说:“男子25岁之前的10年具有最健壮的体魄。因为在这段时期内他的肌肉最结实,对感冒和传染病的抵抗力最强,而且机体吸收营养的效率最高。”(因果) He liked his sister, who was warm and pleasant, but he did not like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant.(结构同构) 他喜欢他那热情可爱的妹妹,不喜欢他那冷漠高傲的哥哥。 这句话主要有个语法上的结构同构,它足以有力地起着衔接作用,所以中文既能再现同构,那个but的转折性连接自然应省去,否 则显得不简洁了。 (2)由于种种逻辑形式,范畴的互通和交叠,在英汉互译时有时会有因果关系和转折关系互换的时候。 I take heart from the fact that, the enemy, which boasts that it can occupy the strategic point in a couple of hours, has not yet been able to take even the outlying regions, because of the stiff resistance that gets in the way.(因果) 敌人吹嘘能在几个小时内占领战略要地,却受到顽强抵抗,连外围地带也没能占领,这样一来我增强了信心。(转折) 4.推延关系:属于相类同的推延关系中有并举、增添、详述、


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