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摘 要 社会化进程加快,育儿的经济和时间压力逐渐增大,随着双职工家庭的增多,“孩子放学后去哪”的问题,成为大多数家庭的难题。社区托管服务能够在一定程度上缓解大多数家庭的育儿难题,社区托管是当前社会较为关注的问题,社区具有多重功能:通过社区提供给儿童安全、稳定的环境,促进儿童的健康成长;对于部分家庭,弥补了孩子在放学后无人监管的难题,给家长提供了育儿帮助;同时有效解决儿童看管问题,提升适龄家庭的生育意愿,对促进人口平稳有积极的作用。 现阶段我国社区托管服务发展水平较低,社区托管服务供给量不足。本文对蜀山区五里墩街道提供的社区托管服务进行现状和需求分析发现:社区托管缺乏完整的福利体系、项目资金不足,社区托管服务质量和水平提高受到限制;政府通过购买服务,提供社区托管的需求,但项目实施的过程中没有明确的制度规定,出现政府越位的现象;社区自治性不高,影响了托管服务的效率;同时随着城市化进程的加快,现有社区托管服务的供给无法满足社区居民的需求。为此,提出明确社区托管的福利性质、加大对社区托管的资金支持、通过政府购买服务整合社区资源加大社区托管服务的供给、使社区托管服务普惠于更多需要的人,从而在一定程度上破解适育夫妇生育意愿低的社会困局。 关键词:社区托管 低生育率 政府职能 社区治理 Abstract With the acceleration of socialization process, the economic and time pressure of child-rearing is gradually increasing,with the increase of dual-career families, the problem of where children go after school has become a difficult problem for most families. Community care services can alleviate the parenting problems of most families to a certain extent. Community care is concern of the current society,Community has multiple functions, and it can promote the healthy growth of children by providing a safe and stable environment for children.For families, it makes up for the problem of unsupervised children after school and provides parents with parenting help. At the same time, it can effectively solve the problem of child care and enhance the fertility willingness of families of the appropriate age, which has a positive effect on promoting population stability. At present, the development level of community trusteeship service in China is low, and the supply of community trusteeship service is insufficient. This paper analyzes the current situation and demand of community trusteeship service provided by Wulidun street in Shushan District, and finds that community trusteeship service lacks a complete welfare system, project funds are insufficient, and the improvement of quality and level of community trusteeship service is limited, The government purchases services to meet the needs of community trusteeship. There ar



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