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Overview of MEMA/AASA and Brand Protection in China MEMA/AASA 简介及保护品牌 ;Overview of MEMA MEMA 简介 Comparison between US and China Auto Aftermarket 中美汽车后市场概况及比较 Brand protection against counterfeit 保护品牌,抵制假冒伪劣 What we should do 我们应该做什么;MEMA represents Aftermarket, Heavy Duty, OE, and Remanufacturing suppliers 汽车与设备制造商协会代表售后,重型,原件设备,以及再制造供应商;What is MEMA? 什么是汽车与设备制造商协会 ;Industry has an enormous economic impact 行业拥有巨大的经济影响;Shared ownership of AAPEX industry show; affiliated with international shows AAPEX展会共享所有权;与国际展会建立友好关系 Aftermarket Industry analysis Thought Leadership initiatives? 增进售后市场产业分析 新思想、新举措 Industry expert councils and events in technology, marketing, critical topics 针对技术,市场,关键话题成立行业专家委员会及举办活动 Product category best practices and shared regulatory planning? 推动产品目录的最佳实践及共同的监管计划 International business advancement in targeted key regions 于重点区域帮助开展国际业务 ;China Aftermarket Forum (CAF) 中国后市场论坛;CAF Members AASA中国后市场成员公司;The China Aftermarket Forum (CAF) 是AASA 在中国的成员公司的一个组织,支持其成员公司在中国的业务,已有10年历史。主要由其成员公司在中国主管后市场的高管组成,在符合“反垄断法”的前提下,交流讨论在中国汽车后市场中共同关心的问题。对其成员公司在华业务有很大影响力。;China U.S. Automotive Aftermarket 中美汽车售后市场;Huge potential?for China’s Aftermarket 中国售后市场潜力巨大;Key U.S. Vs China Automotive Aftermarket Facts 中美主要汽车售后市场概况;Differences in auto aftermarket between U.S. and China 中美汽车售后市场的差异 Source:Roland Berger;Comparison on auto aftermarket between U.S. and China 中美汽车售后市场的差异 Source:Roland Berger;Comparison on auto aftermarket between U.S. and China 中美汽车售后市场的差异 Source:Roland Berger;Differences in auto aftermarket between U.S. and China 中美汽车售后市场的差异 Source:Roland Berger;Differences of distribution channels between U.S. and China 中美售后分销渠道的差异 Source:Roland Berger;Differences of distribution channels between U.S. and China 中美售后分销渠道的差异 Source:Roland Berger;Analysis on Threat of Independent Aftermarkets 中美独立后市场的挑战分析 Source:2015 NRI;Brand Protection Against Counterfeit Parts for a Healthy Automotive Aftermarket in China 保护品牌,抵制假冒伪劣, 促进健康的汽车售后市场


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