最火中考英语易错题(大全) .pdf

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初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析 1、 How many teachers are there in your school? ______, I think But I don’t know the exact number A. hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundreds of D. Hundreds or thousands 【解析】hundred 的用法:数词+hundred,或者 不确定的数 hundreds of,答案为 C。一般要修饰名词, 这里可以看作省略了 teachers。 2、I eat _____ vegetables and ______ meat than I did last year That’s why you’re getting fatter A. fewer,more B.more,less C.less,more D.many ,much 【解析】一定要看清楚,是变得越来越胖了,那么就是蔬菜吃得更少,肉吃得更多。vegetables 此时是 可数名词,用 fewer 修饰。答案为 A。 3、You’ll deserve to fail again _______you try your best A.if B.because C.after D.unless 【解析】除非你尽你最大的努力,不然你一定会失败。答案为D。 4、Here’s a shirt of Size Would you please try_____? A.on it B.try out it C.try it on D.try it out 【解析】try on 试穿 try out 尝试 it 放在动词和副词中间 答案为 C。 5、You must leave here now ( ) your mother can get some more rest A. became B.though C.so that D.so 【解析】become 变成 though 尽管 so that 以便 so 因此,所以 你必须现在离开以便你妈妈能得到 更多的休息。答案为 C。 6、 Excuse me, but I don’t think you can take photos here Sorry I ____ this is no- photo zone A. don’t know B. didn’t know C. have no idea D. haven’t known 【解析】根据题目意思可看出对方是以前不知道这里是不允许照相的区域,用过去时,答案为B。 7、____ the Internet _____ in your school? Yes , but the computer in our office has often broken down A.Is,used B.Is,using C.Does ,use D.Has ,used 【解析】网络在你们学校使用吗?是被使用,用被动语态。答案为A。 8、To tell you the truth, I became a college student at ______ A.You must be B.Thank goodness C.You don’t say so D.It doesn’t matter You dont say. 【解析】是表示惊呀,相当于汉语的“真的吗?”答案为C。 9、Mike _____ his homework three hours ago A. finished B. has finished C. is finishing D. is going to finish 【解析】three hours ago 说明是过去时。故答案选 A 10、 Are you learning art now during your spare time? No I’ve stopped _____ Chinese medicine instead A. to learn B. learning C. learn D. studying 【解析】你现在在空闲时间学习艺术吗?不,我已经停止了,在学中医。stop to do 和 stop doing 分别表示“停下来去做某事”和“停


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