外研高中英语必修3同课异构课件:Module 4 Section Two Grammar.pptxVIP

外研高中英语必修3同课异构课件:Module 4 Section Two Grammar.pptx

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Module 4 Sandstorms in AsiaGrammar Grammar 1 -1. ObservationI’m glad to meet you.She invited me to attend the meeting.The boy is old enough to go to school. to + 动词原形表示主动 Grammar 1 - 2. ObservationThere was nothing to be done.I’d like to be told what’s going on.Nothing is allowed to be taken out of the reading room. to be +动词的过去分词表示被动。 不定式一般式所表示的动作通常与谓语 所表示的动作或状态同时发生,或在它 之后发生。 Grammar 1 - 3. ObservationTo be cycling in a sandstorm is frightening.They pretended to be working hard when their boss passed them. to be + 动词ing; 不定式进行式表示动作正在进行,与谓语动词 表示的动作同时发生。 Grammar 1 -4. Observation I’m the only person in my family to have been in a sandstorm. 2. He is not likely to have got my letter. to have + 动词的过去分词 Grammar 1 -5. ObservationTo have been caught in a sandstorm is a terrible experience.2. The room was said to have been cleaned. to + have been + 过去分词; 不定式完成式所表示的动作在谓语动词所 表示的动作之前发生。 Grammar 1 -6.ExerciseAnswers:It is dangerous to be traveling during a sandstorm.Experts hope to learn more about the movement of thunderstorms.We were told not to leave the house.The work on the house needs to be completed (the work) by the end of the week.Most houses seem to have been destroyed by the storm.Finish the exercise at Activity 2, Page 34. Grammar 1 -7.ExerciseAnswers:It is frightening to be working in the road in a sandstorm. I hope I reach home soon.Experts hope to learn more about the movement of sandstorms.I’d like to be told about the situation before now.The work needs to be completed by the end of the week.My father was out of the city when the sandstorm came. He was very glad to have missed it.The building has to be finished by the end of the year.To see a real sandstorm was very frightening.Finish the exercise at Activity 3, P24. Grammar 1 -8.CorrectionThere are still a lot to have be done about traffic.We should to recycle rubbish , not burn it.We need develop better public transport in cities.The wind is strong enough blow the sand ac


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