外研版四年级英语下册 (They sang beautifully)新课件(第2课时).pptx

外研版四年级英语下册 (They sang beautifully)新课件(第2课时).pptx

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四年级下册; Lets review ;sang 唱歌(sing的过去式) beautifully 漂亮地(副词) saw 看见(see的过去式) game 游戏,比赛 last 上一个...结束 fun 有趣的 went 去...(go的过去式) there 那里,那儿 ate 吃(eat的过去式) drank 喝...(drink的过去式)time 时间 busy 忙的 have a good time 玩的高兴;猜一猜 全班分成两组,每个小组猜一猜老师会出示什么卡片,老师提前选择好三个单词卡片,然后从中随机抽取一张卡片,学生猜一猜是什么单词或者词组,每一次游戏有两次机会。猜对一个加一分,最后得分最多的小组获胜。; Review ;When did they go to have a picnic? What did they do there? Did they have a good time there? Did they have a busy day?; Listen and say ; 复述课本的对话。;;;ate food drank drink ;walked listened to sang danced;;;学生根据提示和图片, 描述图片。 注意用一般过去时。;看图,说句子;help Mum;1.复习今天学习的内容。 2.预习下一节课的内容 ;Module 5; ·wasn’t = was not ·不是; ·weren’t = were not ·不是; ·clean ·干净的; ·dirty ·脏的;;*连一连*;isn’t = is not aren’t= are not 那么, wasn’t= ________ weren’t = ________ ;; They weren’t old then. They were young.;Now she is tall.;;;看一看,写一写 was were is are 1.They ___ young then ,Now they__ old. 2.Her hair ___ short then .Now her hair __ long . 3.He____ thin then .Now he ___ fat.;单项选择 ( )1、-_______your brother cool then? -No,he wasn’t.      A.Was B.Were C.Do ( )2、-Were you a pupil then? -_____________      A.Yes,I were. B.Yes,I was . C.No,I’m not. ( )3、Amy ________cute and naughty at 2.      A.was B.is C.were ( )4、He wasn’t fat _____.      A.now B.than C.then ( )5、They______old then.They _____old now.      A.weren’t,are B.weren’t,was C.wasn’t.are;Goodbye


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