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大工秋《大学英语1(远程英语1)》在线测试1满分答案 PAGE 1 PAGE 1 大工秋《大学英语1(远程英语1)》在线测试1-0001 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 80 分) 【题目】Sally many colorful activities last weekend. A.took part in B.takes part in C.takes part D.part in 正确答案是:A 【题目】We need to pay attention to carefully. A.learning B.learned C.learn D.have learned 正确答案是:A 【题目】How about this bicycle? A.have bought B.buying C.buy D.bought 正确答案是:B 【题目】He choose to go to the school instead staying at home. A.up B.on C.off D.of 正确答案是:D 【题目】In addition to water, we also need to decrease the use of plastic so that we can protect our environment A.saving B.saved C.save D.have saved 正确答案是:A 【题目】Sharing delicious food to our friends is delight meaningful. A.will B.well C.does D.as well as 正确答案是:D 【题目】They hold _____ her before she fall off the cliff. A.to B.onto C.of D.about 正确答案是:B 【题目】We should good use of every minutes in every day. A.took B.take C.make D.made 正确答案是:C 【题目】Most of the employees have a _____ attitude to the low salary A.vital B.positive C.negative D.mental 正确答案是:C 【题目】What is your _____ lesson? A.love B.like most C.like D.favorite 正确答案是:D 1【题目】Jimmy Chinese when he was traveling in China. A.picks up B.picks around C.picked up D.picked around 正确答案是:C 1【题目】All the students of my class commit totheir grades. A.improvred B.improving C.improve D.have improved 正确答案是:B 1【题目】Please dont get me in the terrible things! A.involving B.involved C.insteading D.instead 正确答案是:B 1【题目】What about _____ basketball? A.to play B.playing C.play D.have 正确答案是:B 1【题目】Is your mother a docter _____ a teacher? A.so B.or C.but D.and 正确答案是:B 1【题目】Taylor Swift is as the famous singer. A.knows B.known C.know D.knew 正确答案是:B 1【题目】Newton is for his finding in the law of universal gravitation. A.knows B.known C.know D.having know 正确答案是:B 1【题目】The history of this vase dates back _____ the period of Ming Dynasty. A.with B.to C.of D.about 正确答案是:B 1【题目】Sam found that it was difficult to _____ along with other office clerks. A.swimming B.swim C.g


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