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Western food and beverage and its culture西方餐饮及其文化西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)一、Chinese and Western food culture difference中西方饮食文化差异西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)1. Different diet ideas饮食观念不同( Westerners focus on nutrition, Chinese people pay attention to taste.西方人侧重营养,中国人注重美味。)2. Food utensils are different饮食用具不同( Westerners use knives and forks, the Chinese people use chopsticks and spoon.西方人多用刀叉,中国人多用筷子和勺。)西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)3. Different diets饮食口味不同( Westerners eat sweets, the Chinese people to the main.西方人多吃甜食,中国人以咸为主。)4. Food environment is different 饮食环境不同( Westerners pay attention to delicate, Chinese pay attention to ostentation.西方人注重精致,中国人注重排场。)西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)二、Western food culture development西方饮食文化的发展西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)Western food culture development西方饮食文化的发展Italy cuisine is the earliest,French cuisine is the king,USA dish is hot.西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)Western style food西餐菜式(一) French cuisine法國 菜(二)ltaly cuisine義大利菜(三)British food英國菜(四)American food美國菜(五)Russian food俄羅斯菜(六)German food德國菜西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)三、西餐用餐礼仪Dining etiquette西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)①The number of knives and forks and its display刀叉的数量及其摆放西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)刀叉基本上是由外側開始按順序使用起Knife and fork is basically the use of the outside from the beginning to use 參考資料 西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)②To pay attention to入座有讲究西方餐饮及其文化(中英文) 1. 人应与桌子保持距离并站直,领位者应把椅子推进来。 Man should keep his distance from the table and stand straight,and lead a man to the chair. 2. 腿弯碰到后面的椅子时,就可以坐下来了。 When the leg is bent against the back of the chair,you can sit down. 3. 两脚交叉的坐姿最好避免最得体的入座方式是从左侧入座。 Crosss legged sitting is best to avoid the most apporopriate way to the seat from the left seat. 西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)Seating座次西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)Seating座次西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)Seating座次西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)③Use of napkin餐巾的使用点完菜后,在前菜送来前的这段时间把餐巾打开,往内折三分之一,让三分之二平铺在腿上,盖住膝盖以上的双腿部分。After a meal,in this period of time before the dishes brought before the third one,let the hird one, let the third in legs, covers above the knee of the legs.西方餐饮及其文化(中英文)④Serving order上菜顺序?① Former dishes前菜② Soup汤③ Salad沙拉④ A side dish副菜⑤ Main course主菜⑥Dessert甜点⑦ Drinks饮料西方餐饮及其文化(


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