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企业人事管理 跟着运算机技巧的飞速成长,大年夜量信息劈面而来,企业应建立一套完全的现代化、收集化、规范化的人事治理体系来改变传统手工解决人事营业速度慢、效力低的弊病,进步工作效力、优化人事治理、降低劳动成本,精确地针对市场变更做出响应的人事应变策略,从而在猛烈的竞争中赓续地制造出更多的经济效益,以立于不败之地。 人事治理体系的公共信息治理模块,是一个依照参考材料以及经由过程对大年夜连中广教诲信息收集进行实际调研,采取Microsoft VB.NET编程,应用SQL SERVER 2000数据库体系,添加实现公共信息治理模块的关心功能而开创出来的,具备较完美功能的体系模块。 人事治理体系的公共信息治理模块,操作简便;界面友爱、灵活、有用,可高频数应用;该模块重要包含了文档信息、工作筹划和电子邮件三大年夜功能;它供给了灵活的信息组织构造定义,有效的信息共享方法,快速的信息检索才能,严格的信息查询权限操纵,进一步有效地解决了在一个公司内部的信息治理、信息共享、信息检索,信息保密问题。 关键词:人事治理体系;公共信息治理;信息检索;权限 Abstract As the development of computer technology at very fast speed and the increase of plentiful information ,the modern enterprise should build a whole modernize,network and standardization Human Resource Management System that it can overcome the disadvantage of handling the traditional business such as slow-speed,inefficient, improve efficiency, optimize Human Resource Management, reduce labor cost, make a precise decision according to the change of marketing so that it could urge the modern enterprise to create more economic benefit during the furious competition, help the modern enterprise keep the better status. The common information management module in the Human Resource Management that consult a lot of references about the common information management system in the Human Resource Management and the interior document management of Dalian zhongguang education information network center, it use Microsoft VB.NET and SQL Server 2000, at the same time it increase other functions, so it could become a perfect module. The common information management module in the Human Resource Management that has an easy operation and a friendly, flexible, applied, individual interface. We can use it very frequently. The module contain of document work planning and e-mail. It supplies flexible information organization framework, effective information share, fast information query, strict information query control. It can solve more question including the information management, information share, information qu


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