2024年上海春季高考英语复习 考点1 语法填空易错点及名校真题练习(学生版+解析版).docx

2024年上海春季高考英语复习 考点1 语法填空易错点及名校真题练习(学生版+解析版).docx

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2024年上海春季高考英语复习 考点01 语法填空易错点及名校真题练习 ·模块一 谓语/非谓语 ·模块二 介词 ·模块三 连词 ·模块四 代词 ·模块五 2020-2022年春季高考真题特训 ·模块六 2024届上海名校模考题特训 模块一 模块一 谓语、非谓语 一.判断是做谓语还是非谓语: 按照“一句一个主谓结构”的原则。句子,非谓语。句子,连词+句子。要看是否有连词连接。 谓语要考虑时态和语态 掌握每一种时态的时间标志词 注意并列成分 看句意确定主动还是被动 非谓语要考虑用to do, doing 还是done to do : 动作未发生或表目的 doing: 主动或正在进行 done: 被动或完成 【例题精讲】The penguin slipped down the slide on his stomach, bottom first, she said. He resurfaced about 6 feet from the boat, (24)________ (take) a look up at the people aboard, and then disappeared beneath the surface. Yet Lee, despite his disadvantages of both numbers and position, did not retreat. Instead, he moved his troops into position to attack. Union soldiers who tried to warn Hooker that Lee was on the offensive (29) _______ (dismiss) as cowards. 3. It can take time—and sometimes it does not work—for new plant varieties (29) _____ (breed) for commercial use. 【巩固练习】 It has always been a popular choice. It uses simple language and sentences. It is easy to read and provides clear examples of literary techniques like foreshadowing(预示). But it is also interesting, and the characters are (29) ______ (engage). The plot is full of tension. Though this is only Stein’s first book, I would already consider him as someone like David Sedaris, Dave Barry, James Thurber, Mark Twain and Abraham Lincoln. I (29)________ (recommend) Man Made not just to all my friends and family but also to strangers on Twitter over and over again. Over the years reading has been my companion. Always with a book in my purse, I have never faced the world without a best friend by my side. Books (30) __________ (help) me through difficult periods and applauded me in times of celebration. Books always make me smile. That’s the biggest reason I believe in reading, because it will make you happy. Nationally, Norway has experienced an 11% increase in tourism in the past decade. From just 1,000 tourists in the whole of



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