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预防肺炎中小学开学第一课主题班会123 Middle School Lead inChinese people have had a special Spring Festival this year.Why cant we go to the restaurant to have a big dinner with our family?Why do we have to have online classes? coronavirus [k?,r?un?vai?r?s]冠状病毒,这样称呼的原因是这种病毒在显微镜下呈冠状,像一顶王冠。而 “王冠”一词在拉丁语中是corona 。人们将corona 与 virus[?va?r?s] 放在一起构成合成词coronavirus,即“冠状病毒”。(virus 一词也来自拉丁语)背景知识 contents目录 01 COVID-1902 Actions03 Be grateful04 Thinking Part1COVID-19namesymptomskeep safe novel???新奇的,异常的2 月 8 日,国务院联防联控新闻发布会公布新冠病毒感染的肺炎暂命名:新型冠状病毒肺炎,简称:新冠肺炎,英文名为:Novel coronavirus pneumonia[nju??m??ni?] ,简称为:NCP。2月11日在日内瓦,世卫组织总干事谭德塞在记者会上宣布,将新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)引发的疾病正式命名为:2019冠状病毒病,(COVID-19,即Corona Virus Disease 2019) Fever [?fi?v?(r)] Cough [k?f] malaise [m??le?z]不舒服,萎靡不振的Difficult breathingCommon symptoms[?s?mpt?mz] Wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to protect you from getting infected. [?n?fekt?d]How to keep yourself safe from novel coronavirus? 2. Wash your hands frequently[?fri?kw?ntli] and properly.[?pr?p?li] Wash you hands with soap and running water.When:Before eating and after using toilet.After returning home.After touching trash or garbage. 3.Do not go to crowded areas.[?e?r??z] 4.Don’t eat wild animals. Boost ImmunityRegular exercisesDrink more waterAdequate sleep Eat more fruits vegetables after Wuhan was locked down.Part2 Actions It seems to be rigid, primitive and even extreme anti epidemic and isolation measures. But it played a huge role in this epidemic war.Rural epidemic prevention农村抗疫 极端的抗疫何和隔离举措,在这场疫情大战中却发挥了巨大的作用。逢车必查 逢人必检逐户排查村村隔离 Air force airlift medical team members and materials to Wuhan on a large scale.空军空运大量医疗队队员和物资支援武汉Medical support Ten days/HuoshenshanFangcang HospitalsHuoshenshan Hospital, with a capacity of 1,000 beds, is a makeshift hospital dedicated to treating patients infected with the novel coronavirus.a total area of 33900 square meters The national medical team fighting against COVID-19 in Hubei 全国医疗队援湖北As of February 17, mor


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