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摘 要 随着计算机及网络技术的飞速发展,Internet/Intranet 应用在全球范围内日益普及,当今社会正 快速向信息化社会前进,信息自动化的作用也越来越大。从而使我们从繁杂的事务中解放出来,提高了我 们的工作效率。 目前学校图书馆的借阅工作部分还是手工管理,工作效率很低,并且不能及时了解图书的种类和学 生们比较需求的图书等,不能更好的适应当前学生的借阅要求.手工管理还存在这许多弊端,由于不可避 免的人为因素,造成数据的遗漏、误报。计算机信息化管理有着储存量大,速度快等许多优点,提供给 我们的处理信息及时快捷,因此我们利用计算机提供给我们的信息对学生们的借阅过程形成一整套动态 的管理。 本系统将会涉及到图书馆日常管理工作的基本常见细节,诸如新图书的入库登记,图书馆所有书籍 的分类管理,图书的查询,图书的借阅、退还手续的登记,费旧图书的清理撤除等,本系统所要实现的 这些功能基本上涵盖了图书馆的日常管理工作,基本能够满足校园图书馆的工作人员的管理需要。 在对本系统的具体开发过程当中,将采用 Java 语言进行开发,以Access 实现后台数据库,本系统 是完全基于图形化用户界面 (GUI)的单机版本。 【关键字】信息化 软件工程 软件生命周期 图形化用户界面 Abstract The full name of our System is: The Management Information System of Campus’s Library。 At present, the computer technology is developing ever-growing, and the campus’s information construction also have pushing on, by contrast, the method of management in many university library is still by man, the library’workers must face to the large number of books, and also face to fall into the trouble. Actually, the work can be done by the computer which have a management information system 。 Then the heavy work will not be done by people , the libraryworkers can use computer to manage the books, and the everyday work will be easy. This is the goal which our system want to achieve finally. The principle of development to our system will be following with Software Engineering, we use the traditional model which be called Waterfall, and the course of development will be divided into six stage. We will develop the system in sequence. Our system contains many operations about library’s everyday work, such as Register New Books, Classify Books according to their subjects, Find Books, Dispose old books, and so on, our system can finish all of the work, and can meet the requirements of the library’sworkers. During the development of our system, we use the tool of JAVA to develop it, our system


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