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英语六级写作经典范文及点评:好文章坏文章   一般人都认为文章有好坏之分。《好文章,坏文章》则提出一个观点:语言没有高低之分,因而文章写法也就没有优劣之分。   Good Writing, Bad Writing?   Despite the modern desire to be easy and casual, Americans from time to time give thought to the language they use, to grammar, vocabulary, and official languages. And, as on other issues, they divide into two parties. The larger, who includes everybody from the plain people to the professional writer, takes for granted that there is a right way to use words and construct sentences and many wrong ways. The right way is believed to be clearer, simpler, more logical, and hence more likely to prevent error and confusion. Good writing is easier to read; it offers a pleasant combination of sound and sense.   Against this majority view is the doctrine of an opposing minority, who make up for their small number by their great learning and their place of authority in the school system and the world of scholarship①. They are the professional linguists, who deny that there is such a thing as correctness. The language, they say, is what anybody or everybody speaks. Hence there must be no interference with what they regard as a product of nature. They denounce all attempts at guiding choice.   Within the profession of linguists there are, of course, fighting factions, but, on this conception of language as a natural growth with which it is criminal to interfere, they are at one. In their arguments one finds appeals to feelings of social equality (all words and forms are equally good) and individual freedom. These beliefs further suggest that the desire for correctness, the very idea of better or worse in speech is what is left over from noble and humble times. To the linguists, change is the only rule to be obeyed. They consider it to be equal with life and accuse their critics of being clock-reverses, enemies of freedom, menaces to“life”.   [306 words]   行文点评   文章层次清晰,第一段就指出看待好文章和坏文章有两派意见。我们在写作时通常可以采用这种“开门见山”的方式,提出观点。紧接着作者按照逻辑顺序先阐述多数派的看法。   然后用Against this majority vie


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