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Its better to be unemployed than to be employed in the jobs that people do not enjoy. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 立场:是否将就取决于个人的经济情况,同时工作带来的负面影响是否影响生活质量 将就一份工作 正面影响:1.至少可以挣钱养活自己 2,不会让未来的雇主有疑虑 负面影响:1,上班成为一种被迫 2,影响身体和心理健康 3,甚至影响社交关系 Some people say that being unemployed is better than to have a job that is not enjoyed. I believe that those decisions depend solely on the person and their specific situation. On the one hand, no one wants to have a job that they dislike. With jobs like that, it is often difficult for a person to force themselves to go to work every day. And having a job that one does not enjoy can negatively affect a persons physical or mental health. These people may also find that this situation can also affect other areas of their lives, including relationships with families and friends. On the other hand, a person who has a job, even if it is a less satisfying job, will still have a paycheck that should allow that person to support himself and his family. Not only that, but students have shown that it is easier for people to get hired for other jobs if they currently have a job, as compared to those being unemployed. In other words, prospective employers will often find unemployed applicants. Sometimes unemployed status can raise red flags with prospective employers, who may be wondering why an applicant is not working and whether that applicant would quit another job at the first sign of disappointment. All in all, each individual has to determine his own fate with decisions as to whether they will be better off to quit a job they barely enjoy or whether they should stick with that job until they can find a job that is more enjoyable and more fulfilling. It is important to consider their financial situation as well as physical or mental stress which can affect ones quality life. An increasing number of people are changing their careers. What are the reasons? Do you think it is positive or negative? 原因: 人们不再认为会在同一家公司待太久 对于员工的忠诚度,有些公司不是特别重


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