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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of ?;话题分析;写作步骤;素材积累 产品介绍类常用词汇: chopstick, fork, blouse, gloves, glass, cotton, steel,handbag, material;produce,process,product,local,heat,be made of, by hand, tun into,cover. . .with,everyday,lively, be known for, soft, strong,interesting,smooth, real,small,cute, useful,helpful;产品介绍类常用句型: 1. My town/city/country is famous for. . . 2. . . .is becoming more and more popular. 3. Its more convenient for. . . 4. . . .is made of/from/by/in. . . 5. . . .is/are known for. . . 6. . . .is/are used for. . . ;7. . . .is/are special because. . 8. China is famous for… 9. It’s great that China is so good at...· 10. …wish that in the future·will … 11. These usually try to show.... 12. They are seen as symbols of ...·;实例讲解;【写作任务】 假如你叫李华,来自山东省潍坊市。你的加拿大笔友Marcus得知你市是风筝之乡,他对风筝很感兴趣,于是他给你发来一封电子邮件,想让你给他介绍一些风筝的相关情况。请你根据下面的要点提示给他回复邮件。;要点提示: 1. 风筝的象征意义; 2. 原材料:竹子、纸或布或塑料(plastic)、细绳(string); 3. 用途:过去用于送信,现在用来娱乐和锻炼。;【思路点拨】 1.?定基调 体裁:应用文(邮件);邮件的主体部分为说明文 时态:介绍事物时用一般现在时 人称:第三人称;2.?谋布局、写句子;3. 巧衔接 第一次提到“风筝”时用kites,再次提到时可以用they代替;为了避免重复,in my city在成篇章时可以用here来代替,这都是使用照应手段来使文章衔接的方法。 在陈述风筝的意义时可以使用表示原因的连词because,这是使用逻辑纽带的方式使文章衔接的方法。;4.?成篇章 Dear Marcus, How are you doing these days? I’m excited to hear from you. I’d like to tell you something about kites in my city. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Welcome to my city! I hope you will fly a kite here! Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua;5.?化“平凡”为“非凡” People used kites to send a message in the old days. → Kites were used for sending a message in the old days.;Dear Marcus, How are you doing these days? I’m excited to hear from you. I’d like to tell you something about kites in my city. My city, Weifang in Shandong Province, is famous for its kites. An international kite festival is held here in April every year. Kites are loved by lots of people because they rise into the air with


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