大成殿 孔子像-3班4 班.pdf

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大成殿 孔子 在中国乃至世界,谈到教育就必须要提到一 个人——孔子,姓孔名丘,字仲尼,中国春秋末 期的思想家、教育家,是中华文化中的核心学说 “儒家”的首代宗师,被后世尊为“万师之表”。 孔子教育思想是中国传统文化的精华,至今依然 闪耀着思想的光辉。我校大成殿内设孔子教育思 想及其当代价值展,其内容是“为学”与“为师” 两大部分。展板上方是孔子的观点,下方则是三字经、百家姓、千字 文、弟子规四大传统经典。在这里,我们 “修身养性”,习得做人的 道理。 Dacheng Hall and Confucious 【入门版】 Look, this is Kongzi —— Confucious. He is the most famous teacher in China, and also around the world. The big room at the back is Dacheng Hall. We often come here to learn how to be a better one. 【进阶版】 As we can see, this old man smiling here is Kongzi —— Confucious. His name is Kong Qiu, Zhongni, a great thinker and educator in our Chinese history. People believe his thought of Confucianism is the core of Chinese culture, that’s why we all call him “the teacher of all ages” today. As we can see in this picture, Kongzi is standing in front of Dacheng Hall. It is a place for us to enjoy the show of Confucianism, as well as some classic works. And, we also learn how to be a better self inthis place. 【“航”版】 Who will come directly into our mind when we face the term “the great thinker and educator in our Chinese history” ? I believe it must be Kongzi —— Confucius. Confucius is named Kong Qiu, Zhongni. As the first master of education, he put forward his thought of Confucianism. It is widely believed as the core and foundation of Chinese culture, and it is still beaconing us forward today. That’s why Confucius enjoys the name of “the teacher of all ages” from us. As we can see, the great hall standing behind the Confucius is called Dacheng Hall. It is a place for us to enjoy the display of the thought of Confucianism, as well as some classic works, namely “the Three-Character Classic”, “A Hundred Surnames”, “the Thousand-Character Classic


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