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Team Members;;;Sanlu milk incidents;In early2008 infants were diagnosed with kidney stones In June 2008 milk powder raw materials were contaminated with melamine in September 2008 Sanlu recalled products and made reluctant compensation; The illegal cooking oil is made from leftover oil . The oil is collected, processed and resold to other restaurants.;dyeing steamed bread;;Definition of Food Safety;Definition of Food Safety;Food recall;Food recall;Food recall classification ; ;Development of the food recall system;Chinas food recall system was originally developed by the product recall system and gradually extended to the area of ??food safety.;In 1995 “Food Hygiene Law of the Peoples Republic of?China”(《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》) In 2002, “Shanghai consumer rights and interests protection regulations” (《上海消费者权益保护条例》) In 2004,”Some guidance on accelerating the construction of the food safety credit system”(《关于加快食品安全信用体系建设的若干指导意见》) In 2007, Food recall regulations(《食品召回管理规定》) In 2009, the pass of “Food safety Law”(《食品安全法》)So far, Chinas food recall system reached a new stage in the development of the legal system. To sum up, China has initially formed his own food recall system, and also in gradual improveme.;Current situation of the food recall system; According to relevant regulations, Chinas current food recall specific procedures can be divided into the following sections: ;; Through in recent years some of the food safety case, you can see that the current state of Chinese food recall is not very satisfactory. The main problems are as follows: ; The lack of food recall special regulations and many problems about the current regulations 2. Penalty set is not reasonable 3. Food safety regulation is not enough and Law enforcement system is not sound 4. In the practice of food recall a lack of communication between government departments ;1. The governments disregard for unsafe food recall 2. efficiency of food inspection institution is low 3. Backwar


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