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2 022年浙江6月
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J 2022年浙江6月
• I needed to do something in my community (社区)in order to complete the
community service hours required to graduate from high school. Some of my
friends had signed up to spend time at a soup kitchen, so I did, too. It seemed
like a good thing to do.
I thought that we would ust be passing out dinners to those in need, but I
found out we would be doing everything from preparing to serving the dinner.
We began preparing the food, from mixing salad dressing to separating frozen
meat. Much still needed to be done before dinner was served, but already
outside the building many homeless people were gathering. It wasnt until a
couple of hours later that we opened the doors and began serving dinner.
As the line of people came toward me, I got a little scared. Id come face to
face with the homeless: How should I act? How would they treat me? Would
they hate me for having more than they did? While some of the people looked
very friendly, some of them looked so dangerous. I didnt have too much time
to worry about it. I was assigned (分配)to serve the salad with the lady next to
me. She smiled at me and said if I needed help, shed be right there, which I
found quite comforting.
I had never seen so many people wanting food. They were of all ages and
nationalities. Most of them wore clothes that were torn and dirty. Some
looked like they had tally given up on life, while others seemed to be making
the best of the situation, smiling and oking. Some were better off than others,
but they all needed a good meal and a warm place to eat. It saddened me to
think of how many people there were who didnt have a place to call home
and the only food they got came from a soup kitchen.
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