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中国电影营销现状与问题研究 摘要:由于我国影视行业渐渐完善,影视促销同时更加展现出其核心作用,促销方案以及传播途径同时跟进多方位。新的传播媒介的出现为电影营销带来了新的途径,一种基于Web2.0的营销策略手段应运而生——社会化营销。社会化营销的平台主要有微博、博客、SNS等,利用网络的社会化特点,创新的宣传影片,以收到良好的宣传效果,达到最佳的票房收入。这篇文章凭借影视促销作为案例,就目前促销开展研究,同时给出影视促销的方案。该文第一讲述了促销概念的定义,对传媒以及促销展开了解释,同时就这种促销渠道开展了区分,提出了促销评定参考数据;其次探索我国影视社会促销目前状况和缺点,探索影视社会促销的长处,现在中国影视社会促销还有的缺点;最后给出我国影视社会促销愤怒感:影视论坛的社会促销方案,涵盖了相互交流的口口相传效果,利用知名人士进行宣传,综合各方面途径的促销方式,事件促销;影视渠道的社会促销方案,第一是凭借使用人加入作为核心,使用人和人的关系进行传诵;第二是病毒促销,最后是通过游戏方式使用引发影视促销,以及网站和现实的互相联动。 关键词:社会化营销;电影营销;网络营销 Abstract: As Chinas film industry gradually mature, movie marketing is becoming more and more important. The movie marketing and promotion channels are also becoming more diversified. The emergence of new media marketing has brought a new way for the movie marketing, a web based marketing strategy arises at the historic moment - the social marketing strategy means. The main platforms of the social marketing are micro blog, blog, SNS, etc. Social marketing use the social network characteristics and the creative propaganda film to get a better publicity effect and the highest box office value. This paper will analyzes social marketing strategy by taking movie marketing as examples and put forward the strategies of the film social marketing. This paper discusses the connotation of social marketing theory, explains the social media, social marketing, and socialized marketing platform for the classification, points out the social marketing evaluation index; Socialization of the second part studies the domestic film marketing present situation and problems, analysis of film social marketing advantages, the current domestic social marketing existence question; The third part puts forward the domestic film social marketing strategy: the microblogging platform of social marketing strategy, including focus interaction create word of mouth, to make good use of celebrity endorsements, integrating marketing channels to use platform, meet the timing events; Movie SNS platform of social marketing st


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