ABB HiPerGuard用户手册 英文.pdf

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— MEDIUM VOLTAGE UPS HiPerGuard MV UPS User Manual © Copyright 2023 ABB, All rights reserved. HIP E RG UA RD SU PP O RTS S U STAI NA BI LIT Y WI T H T HE HI GHEST LE VE LS O F E F FI CIE N CY AVA IL A B LE ON T HE M A RKE T, AT 98 PE RC E NT – T R ANSLATING TO A P OTE NTIA L CARBO N EM ISS IO N REDU CTION O F 1,360 TON S OVE R A T YP I CA L 1 5-YE A R L IFES PA N . — ABBs HiPerGuard MV UPS is an industry-first that provides a continuous and reliable power supply of up to 24 kV for mission critical facilities to protect loads, whilst reducing downtime. HiPerGuard supports sustainability with the highest levels of efficiency available on the market, at 98 percent – translating to a potential carbon emission reduction of 1,360 tons over a typical 15-year lifespan. /ups/ 2/104 ABO U T T HIS DOC UME NT — About this document Document information Copyright notice The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied, or disclosed to third parties, nor used for any unauthorized purpose without written permission from ABB Ltd. The hardware and software described in this manual are provided under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license. Document identification Document number: 2UCD400000E001 Ownership: ABB Ltd., Power Conditioning Products Issue date: October, 2023 Revision: Rev C Contact information Address: ABB Ltd., Napier 4110, 111, Main North Road, New Zealand Website: /ups Equipment covered by the manual This manual covers the HiPerGuard MV UPS product and provides general information regarding: – General functions of the MV UPS – Operation – Component enclosures – Graphical Display Module (GDM) – Control and adjustment


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