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- 2025-01-19 发布于四川
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- | 2016-07-13 颁布
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- 国际标准 ISO 18436-3:2025 EN 机器的状态监测和诊断——人员培训和认证要求——第3部分:培训机构和培训过程的要求 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Requirements for training and certification of personnel — Part 3: Requirements for training bodies and the training process.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 18436-3:2025 EN Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Requirements for training and certification of personnel — Part 3: Requirements for training bodies and the training process 机器的状态监测和诊断——人员培训和认证要求——第3部分:培训机构和培训过程的要求.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 20679:2025 EN 船舶与海洋技术——海洋环境保护——船上生物污损下水清洗系统检测 Ships and marine technology — Marine environment protection — Testing of ship biofouling in-water cleaning systems.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 20679:2025 EN Ships and marine technology — Marine environment protection — Testing of ship biofouling in-water cleaning systems 船舶与海洋技术——海洋环境保护——船上生物污损下水清洗系统检测.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 21120:2025 EN 林业机械——林业碎枝机——术语、定义和商业规范 Machinery for forestry — Forestry mulching equipment — Terms, definitions and commercial specifications.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 21120:2025 EN Machinery for forestry — Forestry mulching equipment — Terms, definitions and commercial specifications 林业机械——林业碎枝机——术语、定义和商业规范.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 3506-3:2025 EN 防腐蚀不锈钢紧固件机械性能——第3部分:带有规定等级和硬度等级的定螺钉(和不承受张拉力的类似紧固件) Fasteners — Mechanical properties of corrosion resistant stainless steel fasteners — Part 3: Set screws (and similar fasteners not under tensile stress) with specified gr.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 3506-3:2025 EN Fasteners — Mechanical properties of corrosion resistant stainless steel fasteners — Part 3: Set screws (and similar fasteners not under tensile stress) with specified grades and hardness classes 防腐蚀不锈钢紧固件机械性能——第3部分:带有规定等.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 3506-4:2025 EN 防腐不锈钢紧固件机械性能——第4部分:具有指定等级和硬度等级的攻丝螺钉 Fasteners — Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners — Part 4: Tapping screws with specified grades and hardness classes.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 3506-4:2025 EN Fasteners — Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners — Part 4: Tapping screws with specified grades and hardness classes 防腐不锈钢紧固件机械性能——第4部分:具有指定等级和硬度等级的攻丝螺钉.pdf