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肯德基原配方 KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken Original Recipes Colonel Harland Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken Original Recipes Table of Contents Title Page1 Preface2 KFC BBQ Baked Beans4 KFC Pork BBQ Sauce 5 KFC Buttermilk Biscuits 6 KFC Cole Slaw 7 KFC Corn Muffins8 KFC Extra Crispy9 KFC Extra Crispy Strips10 KFC Gravy 11 KFC Honey Barbecued Wings 12 KFC Macaroni and Cheese 13 KFC Macaroni Salad 14 KFC Mashed Potatoes 15 KFC Original Recipe 16 KFC Pot Pie 17 KFC Potato Salad 18 KFC Potato Wedges 19 KFC Rotisserie Style Chicken20 i Preface Colonel Harland Sanders, born September 9, 1890, actively began franchising his chicken business at the age of 65. Now, the Kentucky Fried Chicken® business he started has grown to be one of the largest retail food service systems in the world. And Colonel Sanders, a quick service restaurant pioneer, has become a symbol of entrepreneurial spirit. More than two billion of the Colonel's "finger lickin' good" chicken dinners are served annually. And not just in North America. The Colonel's cooking is available in more than 82 countries around the world. When the Colonel was six, his father died. His mother was forced to go to work, and young. Harland had to take care of his three−year−old brother and baby sister. This meant doing much of the family cooking. By the age of seven, he was a master of a score of regional dishes. At age 10, he got his first job working on a nearby farm for $2 a month. When he was 12, his mother remarried and he left his home near Henryville, Ind., for a job on a farm in Greenwood, Ind. He held a series of jobs over the next few y


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