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Allow me, the first of all, on behalf of my teachers 76.________ and classmates, give a warm welcome to all of you 77.________ from London. It gave us much pleasure to have you 78.________ in our school for brief visit. You will be glad to 79.________ see how nice we Chinese students are getting along 80.________ with our English learning. However, you know, there 81.________ are still some students, most of them are boys of science, 82.________ learn English with much trouble. So we hope you can 83.________ give us some more advice on the language study. Let me 84.________ hope you a pleasant stay here. May your visit go successfully. 85.________ I've really got to do something to lose weight because I'm getting much too fat. I wasn 't worried about it until I go 1. ________ to see the doctor. He told me that I'd probably had a heart 2. ________ attack while I started eating less. When you're on a diet you 3. ________ have to stop eat too much even though you are always hungry. 4. ________ They may be very hard to do and you certainly need a lot 5. ________ of will-power to succeed. So I will stay on a health farm for a 6. ________ month I won't be able to eat much and so !'11 have to stick 7. ________ to my diet. I'll also do plenty of exercise, which won't give 8. ________ me any harm too. Both the diet and the exercise will 9. ________ help me to lose weight and feel more better. 10. ________ I’ll never forget on that day in 1965 when my mother 1、 suddenly died of an unexplained illness at a age of 36. Later 2、 that afternoon, a policeman stopped by to ask my father’s 3、 permission for the hospital to use mother’s valve(心脏瓣膜). I was shocking. I ran into the house in tears. At 14 I just 4、 couldn’t understand that anyone would tak


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