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中国科学院研究生2006院博士研究生入学考试 中国科学院研究生2006院博士研究生入学考试 7lBAxqr2 ? -U/c\-~fU ? =yyp?WmC8 ? SAMPLE TEST 8W#heW\-] ? THE CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES }t%!9hr5D ? ENGLISH ENTRANCE EXAMINATION  OP x`u ? FOR g;8jK 8 Kh ? DOCTORAL CANDIDATES 3MY(<TGX ? EVVP]ND ? PAPER ONE elG<k%/2 ? %_{tzXim ? PART I VOCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 point each) -Gw$#! ? Directions: Choose the word or expression below each sentence that best completes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. & M~`:R ? rfgI$eu  ? 1. Ten years ago, a house with a decent bathroom was a __________ symbol among university professors. Xy@7y[s] ? A. post ? ? ? ? ? ? B. status {2 + L @ ? C. position ? ? ? ? ? D. place aS pWsT ? 2. It would be far better if collectors could be persuaded to spend their time and money in support of ___________ archaeological research. +q)5dYRzV ? A. legible ? B. legitimate 5i-Rglo ? C. legislative ? D. illicit y8 KX<2s1 ? 3. We seek a society that has at its __________ a respect for the dignity and worth of the individual. oh KCdT ~ ? A. end ? B. hand PI~1GyJr@; ? C. core ? D. best (__yh^h:m ? 4. A variety of problems have greatly _________the country’s normal educational development. ] )"u+ ? ? A. impeded ? B. imparted c=[O `/f ? ? C. implored ? D. implemented m rJQ# ? 5. A good education is an asset you can ________for the rest of your life. Ln.ZVMZ; ? ? A. spell out ? B. call upon G\;}w ? ? C. fall over ? D. resort to P0i V<T4^ ? 6. Oil can change a society more ____________ than anyone could ever have imagined. }K(o9$V ^! ? A. grossly ? B. severely ; U`X 6d ? C. rapidly ? D. drastically CkRX>)=py ? 7. Beneath its myriad rules, the fundamental purpose of ___________ is to make the world a pleasanter place to live in, and you a more pleasant person to live with. G_Ay  ? A. elitism ? ? ? B. eloquence ? 1Xyp/X2rI ? C. emine



