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【标题】从电影《美丽人生》看父亲形象 【作者】王 欢 【关键词】父亲形象;家庭;责任 【指导老师】沈 黎 【专业】英语 【正文】 I. Introduction What are the memories the Second World War leaves to you? What’s your view about the image of father? Everyone has his own ideas. There are lots of films describing the Second World War, many of which emphasize on the inhumanity of Nazi. All those films are filled with sanguinary scenes and crazy slaughter. However, there is a special one called Life Is Beautiful. It once has been criticized for its failure to convey the enormity of the Holocaust. Indeed, it’s not focus on the large-scale death and destruction wrought by the Nazis. Serious to an extent. Life is Beautiful is not Schindlers List, the American film that took such a hard, literal look at the Holocaust. Europeans are still struggling to come to grips with the horrors of the concentration camps. Consequently, most great European films about the Holocaust take an indirect approach. In addition, Life is Beautiful?(an Italian film) reflects Italys peculiar, somewhat expedient position during the Second World War.? Life Is Beautiful focuses on one man, and on one father, an imperfect man, moreover, a perfect father. In Life Is Beautiful, a successful image for a father is presented by the hero Guido perfectly. From ancient times to nowadays, fathers are high mountain and deep sea in every child’s heart. A perfect father should not only pay more attention to building a harmonious family with family members but also be the reliance and the protective god for his child. II. Anatomy of the Film Life Is Beautiful A. The Background of the Film This simple-fable-like-story takes place in 1939, a time when Italy has fallen under the grip of Fascism and anti-Semitism?– a time when some 8,000 Italian Jews of all ages and from all walks of life were removed from their long-lived homes and deported to Concentration camps. For a time we do not know that Guido, an energetic country boy freshly moved to the big city is Jewish. He



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