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2010 届 土木工程 学院 专 业 土木工程 学 号 学生姓名 高茂丰 指导教师 于炳炎 李向国 完成日期 2010年 月 日 摘 要 无缝线路是铁路现代化标志之一,它具有行车平稳,旅客舒适,同时机车车辆和轨道的维修费用低,使用寿命长等优点。随着线路客货运量和行车速度的不断提高,列车轴重的增加,无缝线路已成为高速、重载铁道的必选轨道结构,也是我国铁路线路的主要发展方向。Auto CAD及Excel,对线路大修地段进行了平面、纵断面改善设计,并绘制了的线路大修纵断面改善设计图;通过对轨道结构类型选择、轨道强度及稳定性检算,进而对路基上无缝线路进行设计;通过计算桥上无缝线路钢轨伸缩附加力和挠曲附加力 Abstract CWR is one hallmark of the railway modernization, it has some advantages such as smooth running, comfortable and length of service life. With the increasing of driving speed, passenger capacity and cargo carrying capacity, and increasing of axial load, CWR has been a firstly chosen-tract construction of high-speed and heavy-load track, so interregional CWR has been trend of rail track development in China. Line after long-term operation, line profile will change. Therefore, the existing profile have been investigated, under investigation, the line profile is to improve. This project improves the track’s plan and profile design of track renewal on the railway with the help of Auto CAD and Excel, moreover, it draws the plan of the railway’s profile improved design; by choosing the track’s style; checking the track’s strength and stability, then designs the CWR on the roadbed, by calculating expansion forces and flexibility forces in the rails on the bridge, designing the CWR on a medium span steel bridge, and it draws the plan of long section of track layout of CWR. Finally the work of track renewal done a special study. Keywords: track renewal CWR track strength stability 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 线路大修 1 1.1.1 概述 1 1.1.2 设计内容 1 1.2 铁路无缝线路 2 1.2.1 概述 2 1.2.2 路基上无缝线路 3 1.2.3 桥上无缝线路 3 第2章 线路大修平面设计 4 2.1 概述 4 2.2 既有曲线渐伸线长度计算 6 2.3 设计曲线渐伸线长度计算 7 2.4 拨距计算 10 第3章 线路大修纵断面设计 17 3.1 纵断面设计的特点及原则 17 3.1.1 设计特点 17 3.1.2 设计原则 17 3.2 纵断面设计技术条件 17 3.3 纵断面设计方法 18 3.3.1 纵断面设计步骤 18 3.3.2 设计纵断面 19 3.4 原始资料 20 3.5 设计数据及计算结果 22 3.6 设计纵断面图 24 第4章 路基上无缝线路设计 26 4


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