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长春中医药大学2009届硕士学位论文 中文摘要 中 文 摘 要 目的: 筛提和纯化出玉米须抗痛风作用的有效组分。 方法:利用黄嘌呤氧化酶体外筛选测定方法和平台,检测并筛选玉米须的 抗痛风成分。通过大孔树脂柱层析富集、纯化提纯方法对玉米须进行提取、分 离,测定不同部位的提取物对黄嘌呤氧化酶的抑制作用。得到分离物Ⅲ并以别 嘌醇为阳性对照进行活性比较。 结果: 通过大孔树脂纯化收集得到的分离物Ⅲ能显著抑制黄嘌呤氧化酶 的代谢过程。经尿酸生成方法测得其 IC 5 0 为 6.23mg/L ,阳性对照别嘌醇 IC 50 为1.10ug/ml。 结论:通过黄嘌呤氧化酶体外筛选测定平台以及对玉米须有效成分的进一 步筛选和纯化,发现玉米须分离物Ⅲ具有抑制黄嘌呤氧化酶的活性并能够进一 步提高其抑制嘌呤代谢的作用。 关键词:痛风 玉米须 黄嘌呤氧化酶 1 长春中医药大学2009届硕士学位论文 英文摘要 ABSTRACT Objective To screen the active principle which can resist the gout of stigmata maydis. Methods: Screening and detecting the active principle which can resist gout of stigmata maydis by using the assay met hod of xanthine oxidase (XO) in vitro . Through the method of enriching and sublimating by macroporous resin, the active principle of stigmata maydis is extracted and abstracted. Meanwhile, depressant effect of XO is surveyed and evaluate d from the extractive s of different part s. Compare isolate III with antigut which is took as the positive control in activity. Results : Enriching by macroporous resin, the Isolate III can conspicuous ly restrain the metabolic process of XO. The IC 50 of Isolate III is 6.23mg/L by Method uricogenesis . The IC50 of antigut is 1.10mg/L. Conclusions: By using the assay method of xanthine oxidase;xanthinoxidase in vitro , screening and detecting the active principle which can resist gout of stigmata maydis further, the I solate III stigmata maydis is found that can restrain the activity of XO and can make a sthonger effect


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