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学科门类: 单位代码 : 毕业设计说明书(论文) 轮式装载机行走系统及其装置设计 学生姓名 所学专业 班 级 学 号 指导教师 XXXXXXXXX系 二○**年XX月 摘要 装载机是一种广泛用于公路、铁路、建筑、水电、港口、矿山等建设工程的土石方施式机械,它主要用于铲装土壤、砂石、石灰、煤炭等散状物料,也可对矿石、硬土等作轻度铲挖作业。 本文主要针对在我国应用最普遍的轮式装载机行走机构展开研究,进行了综合阐述,首先针对轮式装载机的发动机进行了选型,确定了各项基本参数;对装载机液力传动系统的主要部件液力变矩器工作原理进行了比较详细的阐述;介绍了变速箱的工作原理、作用、种类以及在设计时要考虑的因素并且针对轮式装载机进行了变速箱的选择和参数的选取;对传动系统中重要部件万向节以及传动轴的介绍;接下来是本文的重点—行走机构驱动桥的设计:包括对差速器的原理介绍和相关计算,主传动齿轮和轴的校核,轮边减速器的简单介绍;最后是对车架、轮胎等的相关简单介绍和选取以及通过能力参数的介绍。 轮式装载机要求行走系有较好的附着性能和通过性能,且行驶阻力小和行驶平顺性好,以适应各种条件下的行走、爬坡和转弯等作业的需要。 关键词:选型;介绍;校核;设计;参数; 谢谢朋友对我文章的赏识,充值后就可以下载说明书。我这里还有一个压缩包,里面有相应的word说明书(附带:外文翻译)和CAD图纸(共计4张图纸)及CAXA制图。需要压缩包的朋友请联系QQ客服:1459919609。下载后我可以将压缩包免费送给你。需要其他设计题目直接联系!!! Abstract The car loader is one kind widely uses in construction project and so on road, railroad, building, water and electricity, harbor, mine cubic meters of earth and stone executes the type machinery, it mainly uses in the shovel installing the soil, the sand and crushed stone, the lime, and so on disperses the shape material, also may to the ore, the hard soil and so on make the mild shovel to dig the work. This article mainly aims at in our country applies the most universal wheeled car loader to walk the organization to launch the research, has carried on the synthesis elaboration, first aimed at wheeled car loader the engine to carry on the shaping, has determined each basic parameter; Has carried on the quite detailed elaboration to the car loader fluid drive system major component fluid strength bending moment principle of work; Introduced gear box principle of work, function, type as well as when design must consider and the factor has carried on the gear box choice and the parameter selection in view of wheeled car loader; To transmission system in important part universal joint as well as drive shaft introduction; Meets down is this article key


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