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学科门类: 单位代码 : 毕业设计说明书(论文) 卧式滚筒软化干燥机的设计 学生姓名 所学专业 班 级 学 号 指导教师 XXXXXXXXX系 二○**年XX月 摘 要 筒体是卧式滚筒软化干燥机卧式滚筒软化干燥机,联轴器被用来实现相邻的两根转轴之间的半永久性联接。 关键词:滚筒he Softening kettle Abstract: The tube body is the machine body that the softening kettle. The tube body inside since carry on heat and qualities deliver and transport the material, the size of the tube body symbolizes the specification and the production ability that the softening kettle. The tube body should have enough of just degree and strength. Must keep the straight line of the stalk line and cut a degree of the noodles in install and revolve. The material of the tube body uses the low metal alloy steel of Q235 steel and commonness generally. Raised to transmit heat the efficiency, developed the potential of the steam well, lower the steam to eliminate Consume; raised the roller to soften the tube wall temperature of a pot of heating row tube, increase the equipments processing quantity, raise the material to soften the efficiency. Should according to the category and dissimilarity with amount of waters that oil anticipate, draw up to soften the temperature; When the oil anticipates to contain the amount of water low, soften the temperature and should correspond a little higher, whereas, should be a little lower. Anticipate the dissimilarity with amount of water according to the oil, can carry on heat smooth wet or heat to the water. Adjust to soften the condition according to the force result. Another important aspect of shaft design is the method of directly connecting one shaft to another. This is accomplished by devices such as rigid and flexible couplings. A coupling is a device for connecting the ends of adjacent shafts. In machine construction, couplings are used to effect a semi permanent connection between adjacent rotating shafts. Keywords :Rotary Drum;Soften


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