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SHAN DONG UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 毕业设计说明书 多点室内外报警系统设计 学 院: 电气与电子工程学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2011年6月 摘 要 随着国民经济的飞速发展,人民整体生活水平的逐步提高,人们对其住宅的要求也越来越高,表现在不仅希望居室温馨、舒适,而且对其安全性、智能化方面也提出了更高的要求。安全防范技术是保护国家和人民利益与安全的重要手段,为有效防止偷盗事件的发生,必须有自己的安防系统,仅靠人防的保安方式已难以适应我们的需要,利用新技术、新科技的智能报警系统己成为当前发展的趋势。 本系统是基于AT89S52单片机控制的红外线防盗报警器,主要由红外线对射收发电路、热释电红外传感器热释电红外传感器 Abstract With the rapid development of the national economy and the gradual raising of peoples whole living standard, the requirements for a house have changed from only the living space to high-quality,mufti-function, safety, intelligence and so on. The technologies ofsecurity are important means to protect the benefit and safety of state and people.Inorder to prevent the events of steal efficiently, we have to own the security system of ourselves. The security mode only by people cant meet our requirement again; the intelligent alarm system depending on new science and technology has been currently developmental trend. The system is a infra-red anti-theft alarm controled by single-chip AT89S52, including infra-red part of the launch, part of the infrared receiver, Pyroelectric infrared sensor,Wireless door magnetic, sensor microcontroller, as well as part of sound and light alarm.The system will alarm when infrared ray has been blocked and the door or window has been opened, through the single-chip microcomputer to control the operation of alarm circuit, and at the same time sound and light alarm, with infrared transceiver test tube, Pyroelectric infrared sensor, Wireless door magnetic sensor. install hidden, can not easily be found; detection signal using pulse signal, energy-saving and anti-jamming. This system can detect a certain person within the scope of the intrusion, security can be applied to determine the scope of the case. Designed using this method of anti-theft alarm and detection in a cost-effectiveness of low-cost best advantages, has broad market prospec


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