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基于VC++的串口通信服务的开发 摘 要 随着计算机技术的发展和推广,利用串口进行数据通讯在通讯领域中占有着重要的地位。为了方便和快速的通过Internet网络访问串口服务器的串口,本课题把串口通信集成到Windows服务,由Windows服务完成串口通信的基本操作。文中详细描述了串口通信服务的原理和工作流程,还列举出了相关的核心代码。用流程图的方式来描述了各个模块的逻辑实现。串口通信服务中采用安全队列的机制来控制多线程访问多串口。在开发中按照软件工程的流程,从需求分析到概要设计,从详细设计到编码,以及最后的测试,利用软件工程的工具管理开发代码和文档。此外,还开发出了客户端来测试该服务工作是否正常。经过测试服务工作正常,能通过网络连接到服务器完成串口的通信。最后总结了开发和设计的不足之处,程序还有待进一步完善。 关键词:串口通信;Windows服务;???全队列;多线程 The Development of Serial Communication Service Based on VC++ Abstract With the development and spread of computer technology, serial communication is an important part in the field of computer network communication. In order to access servers serial port more convenient and faster through the Internet, this topic put serial communication services integrated into Windows service, which completed the basic operation of serial communication services. The serial communications services and the workflow are in detail described. The core code of the services is also given. Flow chart is used to describe the handling process of the serial communications services. The services using safe queue mechanism to control multithreading visit serials. During the entire development, according to the software engineering flow, from requirements analysis to summary design, from detail design to coding, and the final test, uses the software engineering tools to management the code and documentation. In addition, I developed a client to test the service. Test results of the experiment indicate the services can work normally. In the end, summarizes the disadvantages of the design and development, and further perfection of studies is surely in need. Key words: Serial Communication; Windows Service; Safe Queue; Multithread 目 录 论文总页数:22页  TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc169320192 1 引言  PAGEREF _Toc169320192 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc169320193 1.1 课题背景  PAGEREF _Toc169320193 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc169320194 1.2 研究现状  PAGEREF _Toc169320194 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc169320195 1.3


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