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淮 海 工 学 院
题 目: 苏州市房产测量若干问题探讨
作 者: 倪 毅 学 号: 140411225
学 院: 空间信息科学系
专业班级: 测绘工程042班
指导者: 蔡 群 讲 师
评阅者: 吴清海 副教授
2008 年 6 月 连 云 港
摘 要:在住房制度改革和相关政策的推动下,苏州市房产测量在房地产市场中的作用日益突出。苏州市受自然地理条件、经济发展状况、人文素质等因素的影响,平面控制测量的方式方法,以及在房产面积测算的各项规定上,都将与其他城市有所区别。本文根据苏州市房产测绘工作的现状,结合房产测绘事业的发展趋势,针对苏州市房产测绘平面控制测量、面积测算、房产界址点的设定、房产图的绘制、房产变更测量以及房产测量与地形测量的区别、房产测绘市场现存在的弊端和其发展趋势等做一些探讨,尤其对平面控制测量和房产面积测算的问题进行深入探索。据此以总结苏州市房产测绘的特点,为苏州的房地产测绘工作提供一些参考,并对其今后的发展提供一些有利的意见。
关键词:房产测量 平面控制测量 面积测算 市场
Discusstion to Some Problems
on house property survey in the city of SuZhou
Abstract: It is protruding increasingly that the real estate S/M in SuZhou is drawn the effect in the real estate market under the pushing of correlation policy and the housing system reformation. By the geographical conditions, economic development and quality of human factors, there are some difference between ways of plane control survey and area computation in
Hawaiian and others. Basing on the actual experience in real estate mapping, premising with the status quo of the National house property Survey and Mapping, here, the paper will study plane control survey, area computation, the creation of the property boundaries, modifying surveying, the difference between property measurement and topographic surveying, the market in the existing defects and the development trends and so on. The focus is on the plane control survey and area computation. Basing on those, the paper will sum up the characteristics of real estate mapping about SuZhou to provide some favorable comments of SuZhou property mapping.
Keywords: house property surveying and mapping; plane control survey; area computation; ; market.
目 录
1 引言 ………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.1房产测量的意义 ……………………………………………………………………… 1