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关于企业品牌创新问题的研究 摘 要 企业发展的根源是企业品牌的发展,伴随着经济全球化、网络化趋势的日益明显和竞争的日益激烈,企业只有不断进行创新才能发展,企业品牌发展的制约因素来源于企业本身机制管理、企业技术优势、企业人才的引入、把握市场动态发展趋势、品牌的管理以及消费者情感的沟通,对企业来讲,同类品牌层出不穷,新品牌的不断上市,市场竞争的不断加剧,能否成功地进行制度创新已经成为企业成败的关键。在制度上创造一种新的土壤,才能使技术创新、市场创新、品牌的创新有效进行,科学技术是第一生产力,品牌的进步是技术进步的最终结果,能够获得消费者信赖度的品牌是企业市场创新、产品创新、技术创新成功的最佳证明,也是企业制度和机制创新、管理创新的成功体现,只有把这些因素加以整合才能使品牌在市场上历久弥新。 关键字:品牌;品牌创新;市场创新;创意 About enterprise brand innovation question research Author:Zheng Liyue Tutor:Liu Guixin Abstract Enterprise developments root is the enterprise brand development, follows the economic globalization, the network tendency to be day by day obvious and the competition day by day intense, the enterprise only then carries on the innovation to be able unceasingly to develop, because the enterprise brand developments restriction usually stemmed from the enterprise itself mechanism management, the enterprise technical superiority, the enterprise talented persons introduction, the assurance market dynamic trend of development, the brand management as well as the consumer emotion communication, says to the enterprise, the similar brand emerges one after another incessantly, new brands unceasing going on the market, did market competitions unceasing aggravating, whether carry on the institutional innovations already to become the enterprise successs or failures key successfully. Creates one kind of innovation in the system the soil, can the technological innovation, the market innovation, brand creativity innovation effective advance, the science and technology be the first productive forces, the brand progress is the technology advancement final outcome, can obtain the consumer faith brand is the enterprise market innovation, the creativity innovation, technological innovation the successful best proof, is also the enterprise system and the mechanism innovation success manifests, only then performs these factors the conformity to be able to ca


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