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某高校论文在线提交系统的设计 摘 要 随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,网络给人们带来了很多便利,比如人们借助于网络进行相互交流、相互通信、共享信息、文件的上传下载等。在线毕业论文提交系统就是以上运用之一,它已经广泛的应用于目前的各大高校,但现有的这些系统都有一定的局限性,大部分只能实现简单的论文提交、论文查询、论文审核等功能,并不能解决论文的导出,特别是按统一的Word文档格式进行导出的问题。 本设计就很好的解决了上面的问题,它不但能实现毕业生论文的在线提交;还能给教师一定的权限,以在线的方式对自己指导的学生的论文进行审核;并且管理员还可以方便的将每个学生的论文信息按统一的论文排版本格式导出成word文档等。 本论文共分为五大部分,分别是:一、介绍选题背景及意义和相关系统的发展现状;二、介绍数据库技术、面向对象技术和基于B/S结构的WEB程序设计技术;三、对系统进行需求分析并提出解决方案;四、根据解决方案对系统进行设计;五、对毕业论文提交系统进行测试并得到测试结果。 关键词:在线提交;审核;导出;Word文档;B/S结构 Deign and Realization of Online Graduation Thesis Submitting System Abstract Along with the swift and violent development of Internet technology, the network has brought very much inconvenience for the people. For instance the people all carry on communicating mutually, corresponding mutually, sharing information, uploading and downloading and etc. The online graduation thesis submit system is one of these utilization, it already wide spread application to present each universities, but the existing these systems all have the limitation, majority only realize the function of submitting paper, inquiring paper, auditing paper and so on. They cannot solve paper exporting, specially the question which exporting with the unified form of Word documents. This system solves these questions well, it not only realizes online submitting of the graduate paper; but also can assign the competences to teachers who audit students paper by the online way .And administrator also can conveniently export each students’ paper information according to the unified edition form to the Word documents and etc. This paper is divided into five main modules, respectively is: First, introduction of selected topic background and significance and system development present situation; Second, introduction of data bank technology, object-oriented technology and the plan of B/S structure WEB programming technique; Third, carries on the demand to the current enterprise to analyze and to propose the solution; Fourth, carries on the design



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