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摘 要
随着信息处理技术和网络技术的发展,文档管理系统逐渐成为提高办公效率、节约成本的有效工具。本文详细论述了基于Web的文档管理系统的设计过程。系统用ASP.NET 2005作开发平台,C#作编程语言,SQL Server 2000作数据库管理系统,采用典型的四层架构设计模式,实现了文档管理、用户管理、角色管理、部门管理和短信管理等功能。
The Design and Implementation of Document Management System based on Web
Along with the development of the information processing technology and the net work technology, document management system has gradually become a tool improving office efficiency, reducing office cost. This paper discusses in detail the design process of the Web-based document management system. The system uses ASP.NET 2005 as the development platform, C# as the programming language, SQL Server 2000 as the database management system, and adopts the typical four-tiers structure design pattern, and includes documents management, users management, roles management, departments management and notes management, etc..
The paper is organized as following: Firstly, analyzes the background and significance; Secondly, introduces the development tools and the foundation of the technology; Thirdly, analyses the demand of the system, gives a specific design project and a database model; Then shows the implementation of every module. Finally gives a test of the system.
Key words: Document management; Overall design; Detailed design; Functional modules
目 录
1引言 1
1.1开发背景 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的意义 1
2相关理论基础 1
2.1 SQL sever 2000简介 1
2.2 ASP.NET 2005 简介 2
3需求分析及系统设计 2
3.1需求分析 2
3.2 业务分析 2
3.3数据库的设计与实现 3
3.4 文档管理系统ER图 5
3.5部分存储过程的建立 5
4 系统设计 7
4.1系统的整体设计与构思 7
4.2 模块的设定及模块的功能 8
5 各功能模块的实现 10
5.1文档管理模块 10
5.1.1 文档上传 10
5.1.2 文档下载 11
5.1.3 浏览共享文档 11
5.1.4 删除文档 11
5.1.5 修改文档相关信息 12
5.2 用户登录模块 12
5.3 用户管理模块 15
5.3.1 添加用户 15
5.3.2 修改用户密码 19
5.3.3 修改用户信息 19
5.3.4 删除用户 19
5.4角色管理模块 19
5.4.1 角色添加 20
5.4.2 修改角色 20
5.4.3 删除角色 20
5.5部门管理模块 20
5.5.1 部门的添加 20
5.5.2 修改部门 20
5.5.3 删除部门 21
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