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毕业设计(论文) 题 目:大连思凡女装销售物流管理存在的问题及对策分析 院 系: 经济管理系 专 业: 物流管理 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2011年2月15日 摘 要 从上个世纪九十年代开始,由于国家政策的大力扶植的原因,曾经前途一片空白的服装业得到了迅猛的发展,目前服装行业已经成为我国主要的出口创汇行业之一。 随着全世界金融危机影响的扩大,越来越多的国外服装企业为了降低成本,纷纷把目光投向中国,服装行业的竞争渐趋白热化,市场面临着重新洗牌的境况。如何能在服装行业里站稳根基,获得更持久的发展,成了众多服装企业所面临的共同问题。 本论文通过对物流管理理论和销售物流管理理论的有机结合,总结了大连思凡女装(以下简称大连思凡)现有销售物流管理中存在的问题及原因,并针对管理现状和出现的问题及原因,结合当前企业销售物流管理的现状,研究出适合企业发展的方法和策略。主要从物流配送、物流信息系统以及顾客服务三个方面,对大连思凡的销售物流管理的策略做出研究。目的是通过对大连思凡销售物流管理的仔细、认真的分析和研究,找出大连思凡在销售物流管理方面存在的弊端,通过理论结合实践提出合理化建议,从根本上解决大连思凡的销售物流管理问题,使大连思凡的销售物流管理与当今先进的销售物流管理理念相衔接,进而完善大连思凡的销售物流管理,为大连思凡的整体运营和发展提供有利条件。 关键词:服装企业;销售物流;物流配送;物流信息系统; Abstract As the world financial crisis, the expansion of retail clothing chains increasingly fierce competition in the industry. How can a firm foundation in the industry, many clothing retailers has become a common face common problems. Attempt to the retail chain in China since 1990 after years of development, to the end of 1998, there are chain 1150,turnover exceeded 100 billion yuan. At present, China chain industry developed steadily, but there are some issues can not be ignored, such as setting too many regional warehouses, storage location and size of setting unreasonable, the low level of warehouse management, inventory sluggish serious backlog of materials, inventory, the high cost of logistics so, the most serious is the chain the serious lag in the logistics management, which hinders the development of chain enterprises, the development of chain enterprises has become the bottleneck. In this thesis, Dalian Sunfed apparel retail chain (hereinafter referred to as Dalian Sunfed) the existing problems in logistics management, and for the management status and problems, with the current status of logistics management, developed for the development of logistics management methods and strategies. Elements, mainly from the management of the logistics chain, physical distribution ch



