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SQA Assessment Checklist (For New Supplier) 新 供 应 商 评 核 表 Ⅰ.Audit Scoring Criteria 评分说明: ★When evaluating the organization’s level of compliance for a requirement,use the follow 5-point scale to evaluate performance: 采用如下5分制评分方法,对组织的相关条款进行评估. Score 评分 Criteria 要 求 说 明 0 Not documented and not implemented 没有文件说明及没有实施. 1 Documented but not implemented 有文件说明但没有实施其动作 2 Not documented but implemented 没有文件说明但有实施其动作. 3 Documented and not completely implemented 有文件说明但相对于其行动不能完全实施. 4 Documented and relatively satisfactorily implemented 有文件说明并相对于其行动实施满意 5 System sound and implemented effectively and verified 体系标准完善并有效地实施及确认. NA Not applicable 不通用 Ⅱ. SQA Audit Checklist –For new supplier SQA评价要素 Quality System and Document & record control 质量体系/文件记录控制 Possible Points 满分 Supplier Column 此两栏由供应商填写 Defond Score 客户 评分 Supplier Score 供应商评分 Record/reference 查证记录/依据 1.1 Does it establish the perfect quality management system such as quality manual,relevant procedure? 有无完善的质量管理体系,如质量手册、程序文件等? 5 1.2 Does it establish a document control system to ensure the document compliation,d istribution,use,update and scrap are controlled effectively? 有无完善的文件控制体系来确保文件的建立、分发、使用、修改、作废、均得以有效控制? 5 1.3 Does it establish the working instruction to instruct the worker’s operation? 有无制作作业指导书来指导员工作业? 5 Section Total Points 15 FORM NO:QSP-741.1-R03 REV:3 Control of Materials 物料控制 Possible Points 满分 Supplier Column 此两栏由供应商填写 Defond Score 客户 评分 Supplier Score 供应商评分 Record/reference 查证记录/依据 2.1 Does it establish a system to ensure the materials are all supplied by the acceptable suppliers? 有无系统监控确保物料来自合格供应商? 5 2.2 Are the materials identified correctly in different process steps? 各阶段物料有无正确、唯一的标准? 5 2.3 Does it establish a system to monitor the material storage conditions?and does it establish a 〝first in,first out〞system for the materials management? 物料库存条件有无监控?有无〝先入先出〞原则管理? 5 2.4 Does it perform the quality audit for the materials in the stock periodically?


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