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中南财经政法大学自学考试本科毕业生论文 论文题目: 对我国农村信用社改革中不良资产问题的研究 考生姓名: 张小俊 专 业: 国际金融 准考证号: 014408210186 通讯地址: 填写自己的学校或家庭住址 邮政编码: 430081 联系电话: 123456789 日 期: 2009 年 9 月 9 日 中南财经政法大学自考办制 摘 要 解决农村信用社的不良资产问题也是加强我国信用体系建设的客观要求。农村信用社的不良资产问题从一个侧面反映了我国信用体系建设的滞后和缺失。我们运用合理模式处置农村信用社不良资产、防范化解农村金融风险,将有助于增强全社会的金融信用意识,实现金融安全和社会信用建设的良性互动,提高农村金融运行的质量和效益。把农村信用社的不良资产处置过程变成促进政府信用、社会信用、企业信用和个人信用建设的过程,将有助于我国物质文明、精神文明和政治文明建设,是一件意义深远的大事是一个全国性技术难题, 原因在于农村信用社承担了农村经济发展与金触改革的主要成本。这一成本的直接体现是其不良资产的三个基本成因政策性转嫁问题、乡镇企业贷款问题和企业逃废债务间题。资产处置中的作用进行了逻辑归纳政府政策扶持、履行承诺、承担责任, 监管当局完善法规、放宽限制, 信用社提足拨备、加快核销、创新思路、专业清收。 关健词:农村信用社 不良贷款 金融改革 Abstract To resolve non-performing assets of rural credit cooperatives to strengthen Chinas credit system is also an objective requirement. The non-performing assets of rural credit cooperatives reflects one aspect of the credit system construction of Chinas lagging behind and missing. We apply the rational mode of disposal of non-performing assets of rural credit cooperatives, guard against and defuse financial risks in rural areas, will help to enhance social awareness of financial credit and achieve financial security and social interaction of Credit Construction to improve the rural financial operations quality and efficiency. The rural credit cooperatives to become non-performing assets disposal process for government credit, social credit, corporate credit and personal credit-building process, Will contribute to our material civilization, spiritual civilization and political civilization, is a far-reaching significance of the event is a national technical difficulties because of commitment to rural credit cooperatives in rural economic development and reform of the major cost of gold touch. The cost of a direct reflection of its non-performing assets of the three fundamental causes of the shift of policy issues, townsh


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