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图书管理系统 目  录 摘  要 2 关 键 字 2 第1章 系统分析 2 1.1 开发背景 2 1.2 任务概述 2 1.3 项目开发计划 2 1.4 数据流图和数据词典 2 第2章 概要设计 2 2.1 系统结构图 2 2.2 处理流程 2 2.3 数据库设计 2 第3章 详细设计 2 3.1 主模块 2 3.2 借书模块 2 3.3 还书模块 2 第4章 系统测试 2 4.1 测试计划 2 4.2 测试结果说明 2 第5章 用户手册 2 5.1 系统主要功能 2 5.2 运行环境要求 2 5.3 系统安装与初始化 2 5.4 运行说明 2 第6章 毕业设计小结 2 致 谢 2 参考文献 2 摘  要 在科学技术日新月异的今天,计算机已逐步渗入各个领域,无论是学习,工作,还是娱乐都普及了计算机的使用,而随着网络的开通、并与Internet连接更让我们社会成为信息化的时代,人们不再需要浪费太多的时间去手工的获得信息,只要做在家中轻点几下鼠标不但能轻松获得各种信息,而且能够购买到自己需要的商品,既摆脱了时间和空间的限制又节约了大量的时间,因此熟练使用计算机及网络,已成为人们进入现代社会的必备技能。商品销售管理系统正是在这种情况下诞生并逐渐发展起来的,它已成为我们进行商品交易中不可缺少的部分。 商品信息管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MS),其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及应用程序的开发两个方面。对于前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好的库而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,等。系统系统 With the development of internet coverage the human beings’ relationship with internet is getting more and more intimate, more and more common people are enjoying the convenience of internet and more and more consumers, tired of buying the needed goods, are accustomed to enjoying sitting in front of computer purchasing on line. The internet is being melted into daily life. The advantage on internet purchase involves sharing, sorting, convenience, discount and free space. So it is necessary to develop a special shop system for cross joint embroider. This thesis starts from the angle of convenience that an internet shop of cross joint embroider can bring to both administrators and users of the cross joint embroider shop, detailedly illustrating its foreground development and background development, process of purchasing and related technological layout. This first part of this thesis introduces the background and value of this program, followed by careful analysis on the business process in the systematic planning section, and then the demand of the systematic function in which the parts of both administrators and users are concerned. Next is the analysis of the system, finishing the analysis on data flows and data dictionaries. This system provides managing function for both administrators and users, in which t


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