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江西大宇职业技术学院计算机系 毕业设计 题 目: 高校校园网设计 专 业: 计算机及应用 学 号: 208052110132 姓 名: 范华文 指导老师: 夏慧球 2011年 3 月 20 日 摘 要 1.? 摘要: (1) 中文摘要 南昌职业学院是一所的全日制普通高等专科学校,在社会上享有较高的声誉。自93年办学以来,办校规模也是上了一个新的台阶。在学校主体以迁入新校区,要求新校区的校园网的规划也需要提高一个档次,于是较先进的通信技术、多媒体技术、网络技术便成了学校升本迁移校区后的迫切需求。有一个先进的校园网,可为师生营造一个良好的信息化学习环境。建立一个覆盖整个学校,包括行政楼、教学楼、实验楼、教工宿舍楼、学生公寓、部门办公楼的校园计算机网络,主干网采用1000M的以太网技术,10/100M到桌面。同时, 充分保证网络的高安全和高可靠性,并保证系统的开放性和扩展性。建立学校WWW服务器、邮件服务器、文件服务器、数据库服务器和DNS服务器。 关键字:校园网 WWW服务器 邮件服务器 文件服务器 数据库服务器 DNS服务器 (2) 英文摘要 ABSTRACT Nanchang vocational college is a full-time college of, in the society enjoy high reputation. Since 1993, since BanJiao scale is running, a new step. In the school subject to ingoing new campus, the new campus of campus network requirements planning also need to improve a class, so is the advanced communications technology, multimedia technology and network technology became school rise this migration campus urgent needs after. There is a advanced campus network, but for the teachers and students to build a good information learning environment. Establish a covers the whole school, including the administration building, teaching building, building, faculty, students apartment buildings, department of building campus network of the office, backbone adopts Ethernet technology, 1000M 10/100M to your desktop. Meanwhile, fully guarantee the high security and high reliability network, and guarantee system of openness and expansibility. Establishing schools WWW server, mail server, a file server, database server and DNS server. Key Words: Campus network WWW server mail server file server database server DNS server ? 目 录 校园网简介和网络需求设计分析..............................3 1.1.校园网的总体规划........................................3 1.2.校园网的总体建设目标....................................3 1.3.网络拓扑设计...........................................3 1.4.设备选型..............................................4 1.5.各层的设计.........................


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