
毕业设计 基于Delphi的题库系统和试卷生成系统论文.doc

毕业设计 基于Delphi的题库系统和试卷生成系统论文.doc

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PAGE  石河子大学 信息科学与技术学院毕业设计论文 课题名称:基于Delphi的题库系统和试卷生成系统学生姓名:刘静 陈广春学 号: 学 院:信息科学与技术学院专业年级:信息管理与信息系统05级指导教师:陈凤 李志刚职 称:助教 副教授完成日期:二〇〇九年五月三十日 PAGE 2 基于DELPHI的题库系统和试卷生成系统 学生:刘静 陈广春 指导老师:李志刚 陈凤 [摘 要]一般情况教师想出一份试卷,要到庞大的题库里一道一道的把题找出来,或是从几本相关的书里把题一道一道挑出来。这样即费时又费力,而且很难保证试题的覆盖面和把握好试卷的难度。为了能够帮助教师轻松的出一份高质量的试卷,???以我们开发了本系统。本系统能由教师根据教学资料的要求预先录入试题,试题根据“所属章”、“题型”、“难度”这三个条件进行分类。待需要考试时,设定一定的条件,系统就自动从题库中选取试题并生成试卷。该系统成卷模式分为手工出卷(教师自己选择题目)和自动出卷两种,成卷后可导出为Word格式的文档。本系统共分为五大模块:系统管理、题库管理、试卷管理、教师管理、帮助。 [关键词:系统管理;试卷管理;题库管理 Question base system and papers system on base Delphi Student: Liujing Chenguanchun Teacher: Lizhigang Chenfeng [Abstract]:The general situation teacher thinks out a paper,reach huge exam pool each finds out the question, or shoulder the question together out from several relevant books. Time-consuming and also strenuous like this, and very difficult to guarantee coverage rate and paper degree of difficulty of examination question. In order to help teachers easily a high-quality papers, we developed the system. This system can be input the examination question in advance according to the request of teaching materials by the teacher, examination question according to affiliated chapter , question type , degree of difficulty 3 terms these classify. Is it is it when having an examination , establish certain condition , automatic to choose the examination question and turn into the paper of the exam pool system have to need to wait. System this become rolls of mode divide into for produce roll (Mr. oneself choose the topic ) and produce two kinds of Vol.s automatically by hand, roll later lead not happenning to Word file of the forms. This system is divided for five major module altogether: System management , exam pool management , paper management , teacher are managed, helped. [Key Words]:system management; papers management; question base management 目 录


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