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东南大学系办公室办公自动化系统的设计 摘 要 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,尤其是网络技术的超速发展,带动了信息的广泛交流甚至导致了信息爆炸,“信息时代”这一词汇似乎己经被普遍接受。因此,无论是对于一个国家还是对于一个企事业单位,如果要在未来的社会中获得发展,掌握信息技术已变成一个基本要素。 当前,许多学校计算机的普及率正在不断的提高,在一定程度上提高了各部门的办公效率。随着校园计算机网络的建立,其日常的业务、公文管理等信息量不断膨胀,低效办公方式与不断增长的办公业务量之间的矛盾日益尖锐,依靠人工手段及时对大量的信息进行收集、整理和分析是难以做到的,只有改革传统的办公方式,充分利用先进的办公技术,逐步实现信息管理现代化,才能提高办公效率以适应形势的发展,为信息的上传、下达提供极为生动的通信方式。 本文设计的信息管理平台,主要实现以下功能:1.信息管理2.邮件管理3.学生管理4.教师管理5.会议管理6.通讯录7.时间提醒等七个模块。此平台的搭建能够为较好的提高高校教学单位日常的行政办公效率,具有一定的实用性。 关键词:自动化;C/S;办公自动化;信息管理现代化;办公效率 The Design and Implementation of College Department Office Automation System Abstract The fast development of computer technology, especially the fast progress of network technology, leads the explosion of information. It seems that “Information Era” has been accepted universally. Therefore, to any country or company, in order to win the future competition, it is necessary for any country or company to master the information technology. With the popularization of computers in all kinds of departments in the campus, the efficiency of office business improves to some degree. With the establishment of network in campus, the information, which contains the daily business data, the document, is expanding continuously. The conflict between inefficient working way and the increasing office business is becoming more and more furious. It is too hard to collect, clear up and analyze mass information by manual work. Innovation of the conventional way and utilization of the advanced technology can realize the modernization of information management step by step. And then, it can improve the working efficiency to catch up the development of society and provide a vivid way to communicate information. A management information platform is proposed in this paper, which includes following functions: (1) information management; (2) E-mail management; (3) students’ information management; (4) teachers’ management; (5) conference management; (6) address list ;(7) time reminder. Those functions can impr



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