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We offer a number of software solutions for data analysis on the Odyssey and Aerius. There are two categories of software, “instrument” and “Application” software. Instrument software has the least amount of user interaction and is used for administration (such as setting up user accounts) and diagnostic functionality. In the case of a hardware problem, LI-COR Tech Support with the help of the user, can run a set of diagnostic tests (over 300 tests are performed) which can help rapidly identify any issues with the hardware. The application software is where most user interaction takes place. This software has options for: Imager control Data analysis, including quantification, background subtraction, band finding and sizing. The application software also has a module for In-Cell Western Analysis where percent response values can be calculated (to help determine IC50 curves) and providing methods for data normalization. There is also a Small Animal Imaging module which can automatically detect areas of interest based on intensity threshold information as well as generating a “heat-map” type image based on intensity values. As mentioned previously, the Aerius software provides functionality for the automatic analysis of plate based assays. 红外小动物活体成像 活体动物成像的福音 2009年5月8日,Science 发表钱永健教授文章:Mammalian Expression of Infrared Fluorescent Proteins Engineered from a Bacterial Phytochrome; 他们在Deinococcus radiodurans(耐辐射球菌)中发现一种可吸收红外线的蛋白质(光敏色素),研究人员对该基因进行改造,最终得出了一类红外线荧光蛋白质,但这些蛋白质仅能发出微弱的红外线。因此研究人员又对经过改良的光敏色素基因进行了几轮的变异,进而选择出了发光能力最强的一种蛋白质。 研究人员将这种新荧光蛋白质的基因插入了能够感染小鼠肝脏的一种腺病毒中。将其和胆绿素(BV)一起注射入小鼠的尾部静脉血管,5天后,他们在啮齿动物的肝脏中发现了红外线荧光。 新红外蛋白质的结构,激发波长684nm,发射波长708nm,正是Odyssey 700nm通道,小图是活体小鼠发出的红外线 mKate:588nm/635nm,IFP:684nm/708nm BV:胆绿素 Ad5:腺病毒载体 红外小动物活体成像-附件 Licor Pearl小动物成像系统--更为专业的选择 软件功能 仪器软件 Administration Diagnostics 应用软件 图象控制 背景扣除 条带发现和定位 定量 ICW % 结果计算(including normalization) 小动物活体分析 试剂成本 红外二抗开放: LI-COR、Rockland、Invitrogen公司均可购买 红外二抗的成本: 与现有EC



