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毕业设计(论文)任务书 课题名称: 汽车空调系统设计 系 别: 汽车工程系 专业班级: 车辆工程082 姓 名: 学 号: 指 导 教 师: 教研室主任: 系常务副主任: 二〇一一 年 十一 月 二十二 摘 要 汽车空调系统是实现对车厢内空气进行制冷、加热、换气和空气净化的装置。它可以为乘车人员提供舒适的乘车环境,降低驾驶员的疲劳强度,提高行车安全。空调装置已成为衡量汽车功能是否齐全的标志之一。 汽车空调的作用已是众所周知。汽车空调装置已不再是豪华奢侈的象征,不仅轿车、客车上采用空调,货车、工程车上也纷纷安装空调装置。人们对空调的需求越来越迫切,对汽车空调质量的要求也越来越高。 近几年来,国内公路大量新建,尤其是高速公路迅速发展,有力地带动了公路客运事业特别是高速客运事业的迅猛发展。同时,随着地球表面日益变暖和人民生活水平的提高,促进城市公交开始采用空调客车,这两方面因素造成对客车空调器的需求大增。由于客车车型基本上都是国内自行开发的,其空调系统需国内客车厂和空调器厂自行设计、配套,所以汽车制造厂、空调器制造厂及空调器维修站迫切需要了解汽车空调的有关知识。 伴随汽车空调的普及与发展,汽车空调的发展大体上历经了五个阶段:单一取暖阶段、单一冷气阶段、冷暖一体化阶段、自动控制阶段、计算机控制阶段。空调的控制方法也历经了由简单到复杂,在由复杂到简单的过程,作为汽车空调系统的电路控制方面也在不断更新改进。 关键词:汽车空调 故障诊断 维修 注意事项 Abstract Automotive air conditioning system is the realization to the inside of the train air for refrigeration, heating, ventilation and air purification devices. It can provide comfortable for a ride by bus driver of the environment, reduces the fatigue strength, improve the driving safety. Air conditioning unit has become a car is all ready function to measure one of the marks. The role of automotive air conditioning is well known. Automotive air conditioning unit is no longer a luxury, not only the symbol of cars, buses, trucks, the air conditioning engineering installation of air-conditioning equipment in the car. People of the air conditioning needs more and more urgent, to the requirements of the quality of the automotive air conditioning more and more is also high. In recent years, the domestic highway, especially a new highway rapid development, effectively drive the highway passenger transport business, especially the rapid development of high speed passenger transport business. At the same time, with the surface of the earth is warming and t


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