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闽南理工学院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目 车床转盘零件的机械加工工艺 规程及工艺装备设计 系 别 光电系 专 业 模具设计与制造 班 级 三班 学 号 081014344 姓 名 吴端磊 指导教师 鸥文辉 完成时间 2011-5 评定成绩 教务处制 年 月 日 摘 要 为适应配套大型转盘的需求, 研制开发了ZP495型转盘。该转盘的设计制造保留了传统系列转盘的特点, 同时又从底座与锥齿轮副的加工工艺、润滑系统、密封结构、主补心结构等方面进行了创新设计。其中润滑方式采用小齿轮飞溅润滑, 在输入轴两侧增加辅助油箱, 且主、辅油箱相互连通; 转台与底座间的动密封采用2道迷宫盘密封, 输入轴端部动密封采用2道唇形密封圈; 考虑到转盘通径大, 首创性地设计出整体式补心。试验表明, ZP495型转盘的方案可行, 结构合理, 工作可靠, 主要技术指标达到了设计要求。 转盘工艺是一种特殊的旋压方式, 因其具有工作效率高、工作质量稳定、几何形状准确, 且易于实现自动化生产, 而被应用于需要对工件缩口的搪竞、铝制品行业。但又因为转盘及擀刀的设计缺乏理论依据, 往往凭设计制造者的实践经验反复修正定型, 由于没有最佳的模型, 重复性、互换性差, 给维修、调整带来麻烦。 关键词:转盘;性能参数;结构特点;模拟试验 ABSTRACT Drill a machine kit for the orientation super deep well large turn the need of dish, developed to develop a ZP495 type to turn dish. The design manufacturing that should turn dish reserved the characteristics that the traditional series turns dish, at the same time again from the processing of the base and the awl wheel gear pair craft, lubricate system and sealed completely a structure, lord to repair heart structure etc. to carry on a creative design. Lubricate the way adoption denticle round to splash lubrication among them, at input stalk two sides increase to lend support to fuel tank, and lord, assist fuel tank to connect mutually; Turn Taiwan and moving of base to seal completely to adopt 2 maze dishes to seal completely, input stalk to carry a department to move to seal completely to adopt 2 lips forms to seal completely a turn; In consideration of turning a dish the path is big, found sex ground to design a whole type to repair heart. Experiment enunciation, ZP495 type the project that turn dish can go, structure reasonable, work credibility, the main technique index sign comes to a design to request. Turning the dish craft is a kind of special to press a way, because it has a work efficiency, work the quality is stable and several what the shape is accurate, and be easy to carry o


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