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zzti摘 要 随着现代文明的发展和进步,社会生产和生活对电能供应的质量和管理提出了越来越高的要求。作为电能传输与控制的中间枢纽,变电所起着接受、变换和分配电能的作用。变电所必须改变传统的设计和控制模式,从实际出发,并考虑安全、可靠、优质、经济等方面才能适应现代电力系统、现代化工业和社会生活的发展趋势。 本设计为某模具厂供配电系统的设计,根据车间用电设备的情况和生产要求,进行负荷计算。为满足供电系统对企业功率因数的要求,进行无功功率补偿。确定变电所主变压器台数和容量、联结方式,根据主接线、进出线的方案选择高低压配电装置。 关键词:工厂供配电、短路计算、变压器、无功补偿 Abstract With development and progress of modern civilization, social production and is it put forward high request more and more to quality and management that electric energy supply to live. As the pivot between what the electric energy is transmitted and controlled, the substation plays the role of transformation and distribution of electricity. The transformer substation must change the traditional design and control the mode. Embarking from the reality and considering safety, reliability, high-quality and economic aspects of workshop, could meet modern power system, modernized industrial production and development trend of social life. This design for a factory for distribution system design, I made a load calculation for mechanical processing workshop low-voltage distribution systems and workshop lighting design . To meet the design requirements, it needs to improve the high power factor and choose reactive power compensation equipment. Transformer substation main voltage transformer count and capacity, sureness of pattern, t mainly wire the choice of the scheme in the transformer substation, pass in and out the choice of the thread ,could determine the workshop distribution circuit and high-low-voltage distribution device. Key words:factory for distribution; short-circuit calculation; transformer ; Reactive power compensation 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 本课题的研究背景及意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 1 1.3 本课题的主要内容 2 2 配电系统负荷计算 3 2.1 概述 3 2.2 负荷计算公式 3 2.3 负荷计算过程 4 2.3.1 低压侧负荷计算 6 2.3.2 变压器低压侧总负荷计算 8 3 改善功率因数的措施 10 3.1 概述 10 3.1.1 无功功率补偿 10 3.1.2 无功功率补偿后的计算负荷 10 3.1.3 变压器功率损耗 11 3.2 无功功率补偿计算 12 3.3 无功功率补偿装置的选择 12 4 电力变压器的选择 17 4.1 概述 17 4.2 变压器台数的选择 17 4.3 变压器容量的选择 18 4.4 变压器联结组别的选择 18 5


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