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The Works of Mencius author: Mencius title: The Works of Mencius publisher: Clarendon Press, 1895 subject: Confucianism - Ethics - Philosophy language: English alt. author: James Legge, trans. other notes This site presents James Legges translation of The Works of Mencius as it appeared in the series called The Chinese Classics in 1895. Mr. Legge reproduced in his translation the original Chinese and wrote a great deal of commentary concerning how he arrived at his particular translation of the original Chinese. These are left out. On the other hand, Mr. Legge also wrote a brief description of each chapter, which this site provides as part of each chapter header. This text was last revised the 15th of July, 2003. The Works of Mencius Book I, Part I: King H?i of Liang Mencius Chapter I. Benvolence and righteousness Menciuss only topics with the princes of his time; and the only principles which can make a country prosperous. 1. Mencius went to see king H?i of Liang. 2. The king said, Venerable sir, since you have not counted it far to come here, a distance of a thousand l?, may I presume that you are provided with counsels to profit my kingdom? 3. Mencius replied, Why must your Majesty use that word profit? What I am provided with, are counsels to benevolence and righteousness, and these are my only topics. 4. If your Majesty say, What is to be done to profit my kingdom? the great officers will say, What is to be done to profit our families? and the inferior officers and the common people will say, What is to be done to profit our persons? Superiors and inferiors will try to snatch this profit the one from the other, and the kingdom will be endangered. In the kingdom of ten thousand chariots, the murderer of his sovereign shall be the chief of a family of a thousand chariots. In the kingdom of a thousand chariots, the murderer of his prince shall be the chief of a family of a hundred chariots. To have a thousand in ten thousand, and a hundred i


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