英语听力入门Book 4 Unit 10.ppt

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英语听力入门Book 4 Unit 10.ppt

Book 4 Unit 10 Youth Aspirations Part I Warming up Key words Vocabulary stress n. (pressure or worry resulting from) mental or physical distress, difficult circumstances, etc. 精神上或肉体上的痛苦、困难的情况等(所造成的 压力或忧虑) prodigies n. person with unusual or remarkable qualities or abilities/amazing or wonderful thing, esp. a natural phenomenon (在素质或能力上)了不起的人;奇才;天才;令人 惊异的事物;奇观 extracurricular activity 课外活动 syndrome n. a set of medical symptoms which represent a physical or mental disorder 综合症状;一组表现或特征,同时存在的一组事物 ballet n. a classical dance form demanding grace and precision and employing formalized steps and gestures set in intricate, flowing patterns to create expression through movement 芭蕾舞 gymnastics n. the art or practice of training the body by means of certain exercises, such as swinging on bars or jumping over things, often performed in competition with others 体操,健身操;健身术 well-rounded adj. (esp. of a person’s experience) full of different types of activity; complete and varied 有多方面兴趣(能力)的;圆满的;面面俱到的 well-grounded adj. fully instructed or trained 收过基本训练的;有充分根据的 PartⅠ Warming Up A 1. Over-scheduled syndrome—the mount of free time for children dropping about 16% over the past few years 2. Cultural shift in the past few years a. The past: children taking part in extracurricular activities(ballet, gymnastics, football) in a casual way. b.The present: a real emphasis and stress on these children to be experts/prodigies in these activities. 3.Solution: Parents saying “enough is enough”/cutting back/pulling children out of all their activities. 1950s Part II British youth Key words Vocabulary heyday n. the time of greatest power, influence, success, or popularity. 盛年, 全盛时期 advent n. the arrival or coming of (an important event, period, invention, etc.) 来临;出现,到来 flower power a counterculture of young people in the US during the 1960s and 70s 权力归花儿20世纪60年代和70年代嬉皮士(尤指佩 花嬉皮士)间兴起的表达反文化或反传统信仰和观 点的运动 teenyboppers n. a young person be




