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Chapter1 简易词 形容词、副词 accustomed [?k?st?md] adj. 习惯于 【同】used【反】unaccustomed Even if they are willing to make the sacrifice in dollars, whether Americans will give up long accustomed personal liberties is another question.(TIME, May 1,1995,p.68) 即使美国人愿意在金钱上牺牲,但是否愿意抛弃久已习以为常的个人自由,还是未定之数。 affluent [?flu?nt] adj. 富裕的 【同】prosperous, wealthy【反】poor Leeson and his wife Lisa never really seemed to fit into the affluent, neo-colonial life-style of Singapore or into the city’s multiethnic society.(?TIME, Mar.13,1995,p.40) 里森及其妻子丽莎似乎与新加坡富裕的新殖民生活方式一直格格不入,也似乎一直未能融入新加坡的多种族社会。 ambiguous [?mˋb?gju?s]adj. 模棱两可的,暧昧的 【同】vague【反】obvious, clear Truman got the Korean War because he was ambiguous, and Saddam took Kuwait because Bush didn’t say “No” straight out. (TIME, Feb.19,1996, p.36) 杜鲁门惹了个朝鲜战争,因为他的立场不明确,而萨达姆占领科威特,是因为布什没能直截了当地说“不”。 █ straight out 率直地 anonymous [?ˋnɑn?m?s] adj. 匿名的,不知名的 【反】known, named So he went on his own fact-finding mission, leaning heavily on a 49white paper submitted last month by three anonymous high-tech firms. (TIME, Feb.27, 1995, p.31) 所以他继续其真相调查工作,埋头审阅一份厚达49页的白皮书,这份白皮书是上个月由3家匿名的高科技公司提出的。 appropriate [?ˋpropr??et] adj. 适宜的 【反】inappropriate So any protein that dissolves new blood vessels may not be appropriate for younger women who have not yet entered menopause. (TIME, Jan.9, 1996, p.60) 因此,对于还未停经的妇女而言,任何足以溶解于新生血管的蛋白质或许都是不适宜的。 at stake [?t stek] 危急存亡关头的,有可能丧失或受损的 【同】at risk At a news conference,(U.S. Undersecretary of Defense) Perry declared that the credibility of the international community (NATO) was at stake. (TIME, June 5,1995, p.38) 在记者招待会上,(美国国防部长)佩里宣称,北约这个国际组织正面临信任危机。 available [?ˋvel?bl] adj. (物)可取得的,可买到的;(人有空)可见面的,可参加的 Most of the (smart) cards available in Atlanta will be worth between $10 and $50 and will be usable instead of cash at as many as 5000 “points of purchase” throughout the city. (TIME, Jan.8, 1996, p.13) 于亚特兰大出售的IC卡大部分值10-15美元,可以在全市多达5000个“商业网点”充当货币使用。 bear [b?r] adj. (股市)看跌的,熊市的 Meanwhile, pundits who do make a bear stand don’t last. (T



